Moral Stress and Moral Agency in Swedish Eldercare
FORTE: Forskningsrådet för hälsa, arbetsliv och välfärd
Background and aim: Ageing populations, high levels of sick leave among eldercare personnel and financial constraints on municipal budgets impact eldercare. Daily care work is complex and ethical dilemmas are constantly present for eldercare personnel. This project aims to a) identify situations that give rise to moral stress, b) study the relationship between moral stress and moral agency c) explore how moral agency can be fostered in eldercare.
Theory: The underlying argument underpinning this research project is that ethical dilemmas in the work cause moral stress among staff in eldercare. While much research on moral stress highlights the connection between moral stress and negative effects on health and well-being, our focus is on the connection between moral stress and moral agency. Moral agency encompasses cognitive capacity, feelings, skills, and actions. Method: This project has a systemic approach to eldercare and interprets eldercare as an advanced system where a range of different skills is required. Participatory action research (PAR) will be used as an overall methodology. Focus-groups and research circles will be conducted with care workers, first line manages and needs assessors.
Forskningsområde / geografiskt område
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