Karl Gratzer
PhD 1996 (“Conditions for Small Firms”). The dissertation was awarded the prize as the best doctoral dissertation in the Faculty of Social Sciences in the academic year 95/96.
1996– tenure as researcher at the Entrepreneurship and Small Business Research Institute (esbri) Stockholm.
1998-2001 Researcher at Center for Banking and Finance in Sthlm.
1998– lecturer and leader of research at Centre for Entrepreneurship at Södertörn University.
2002 Awarded the title of “docent” in economic history at Stockholm University.
1999-2000 Visiting professor at Linköping University (Technology and Social Change).
2002 Visiting professor at the School of Business, Economics and Law, Göteborg University.
2003– and still council member of the Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum. Expert for the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation.
2007 Awarded professor in business administration at Mitt-University.
2008 position as professor in entrepreneurship and small business development (economic history) at Södertörn University. Leader of research and director for higher (master, magister and doctoral) education at the institute for Business Administration at Södertörn University/Stockholm. Consultant to Swedish government agencies (Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth, Vinnova-Research and Innovation for Sustainable Growth, Swedish Agency for Growth policy Analysis), advisory council for the Swedish Patent Registration Office.
Since 2013 Senior professor at Södertörn University.
2015- and still member of board of Insolvensrättslig Forum (Centre for research on insolvency- and bankruptcy law).
Firm demography and entrepreneurship in Eastern and Central Europe and in the Baltic region
Karl Gratzer & Marcus Box (2002) Causes of selection amongst swedish Länk till annan webbplats.
firms: A contribution to the development of a business demography, Scandinavian Economic Länk till annan webbplats.
History Review, 50:1, 68-84 Länk till annan webbplats..
Bankruptcy and crime in the twentieth century in a comparative perspective
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