Aktuella projekt
Vill du veta vilka internationella projekt och samarbetspartners som fått extern finansiering den senaste tiden? Här hittar du en lista över några av våra internationella samarbetsprojekt inom utbildning och forskning.
Södertörns högskola deltar sedan 2015 i den utom-europeiska delen av Erasmus+, även kallad International Credit Mobility (ICM). Inom Erasmus+ ICM har högskolan följande finansiering:
- 2018-2020: 64,720 Euro för student- personal- och lärarutbyte (både in- och utresande) med University of Jordan, Jordanien. Projektet är ett samarbete mellan ämnena genusvetenskap, religionsvetenskap och programmet Interkulturellt företagande.
- 2018-2020: 91,016 Euro för student- doktorand- och lärarutbyte (både in- och utresande) med Ilia State University, Georgien. Projektet är ett samarbete inom ämnet företagsekonomi.
Högskolan deltar också i de Sida-finansierade programmen Linnaeus-Palme och Minor Field Studies.
- 2017-2018: 280,000 SEK för student- och lärarutbyte med Armenian Agricultural State University (Linnaeus-Palme funding). Utbytet är ett samarbete mellan ämnet företagsekonomi samt programmet Utveckling och internationellt samarbete.
- 2009-2018: totalt åtta års finansiering för student- och lärarutbyten med Moshi Co-operative University i Tanzania inom ämnet företagsekonomi.
FICTION Länk till annan webbplats.: Functional ICT Instruction On the Net (2018 – 2020), Ann Mutvei Berrez, lecturer, Mathematics Education, School of Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies.
Partners: Södertörn University (project coordinator), Ronnaskolan (Södertälje, SE), Limerick Institute of Technology (Limerick, IE), Coláiste Mhuire Co-ed School (Thurles, IE), Universita Degli Studi Di Genova (Genova, I), ISIS Machiavelli School (Firenze, I), Pixel Associazione Culturale (Firenze, I).
Objectives: The FICTION project identifies as the most important need to be addressed, the further development of teachers’ digital competence in science education. The project aims to enhance teachers' knowledge to teach students to use digital tools for their own understanding of science. Students will be producers and informal learning increases in importance. Learning will be independent of time and space and enhance collaborative work, necessary for the future professional need. Furthermore, the project aims to identify weaknesses and strengths in teaching digital tools in schools. The school will have flexible and expandable digital tools that can be used for their further professional development. Observations in the classroom will be done and questionnaires from the teachers will be collected to investigate the efficiency of using digital tools.
Do Well Science (2017-2019) Ann Mutvei Berrez, lecturer, Mathematics Education, School of Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies
Partners: Södertörn University, Universita Degli Studi Di Genova (project coordinator, Genova, I), Pixel Associazione Culturale (Firenze, I), secondary schools in Sweden, Italy, Bulgaria, Greece, Technology companies in Greece and Bulgaria.
Objectives: The general objective of the Do Well Science project is to increase secondary students’ achievements in science subjects.
The specific objectives are:
- Provide support to science teachers in promoting an interdisciplinary and inquiry based teaching approach
- Develop innovative pedagogies for science teaching and learning
- Make full use of ICT communication potential to stimulate students’ commitment to learn scientific subjects
Romani Studies at Universities in Europe: Development and Innovations (2018-2021) Prof. Kimmo Granqvist, Romani Studies, School of Culture and Education
Partners: Södertörn University (project coordinator), Charles University (Prague, CZ), Central European University (Budapest/Vienna, HU/AT), Helsinki University (FI),
Objectives: Romani studies as a discipline draws on aspects of history sociology, social psychology, anthropology, ethnography, linguistics, education and political science. Currently in Europe, few academic institutions provide Romani Studies as an independent umbrella discipline; this project aims at consolidating the cooperations between these institutions. The key objectives of the project are:
- To train a new generation of young Romani Studies graduate and postgraduate students able to practically contribute to both social and academic aspects of Romani issues;
- To provide opportunities for various forms of Europe-wide networking within and after the project between the Romani Studies;
- To ensure excellence in research and PhD training by going beyond a sectoral and only academic approach.
BaltSpace Länk till annan webbplats.: Maritime Spatial Planning Explained in the Baltic Sea Region – Integrating Scales, Sectors and Knowledge (2015-2018) Prof. Michael Gilek, Environmental Studies, School of Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies
Partners: Södertörn University (project coordinator), Aarhus University, Swedish Institute for the Marine Environment, Maritime Institute in Gdansk, Coastal Research and Planning Institute (CORPI), Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht (Centrum for Materials and Coastal Research), Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde, s.Pro – sustainable projects
Objectives: BALTSPACE was the first transnational, interdisciplinary MSP research project in the BSR, complementing past and current MSP projects in the BSR. BALTSPACE was working towards a better understanding of key challenges in MSP and will offer science-based practical lessons for MSP planners and policy makers.
The EU Directive on Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP), adopted in July 2014, prescribes that all EU member states have to implement MSP by 2021. The Baltic Sea Region (BSR) is a forerunner in MSP which can look back over nearly 10 years of MSP projects (see projects on the right side). Building on this experience, several countries around the Baltic Sea have already completed or launched MSP processes. Germany and Lithuania were among the first to have marine spatial plans in place. Sweden, Latvia and Estonia have finalised their first national marine spatial plans by 2017/2018. The remaining countries are currently in the preparation stage.
SmartZoos: Cross-border Services for Creative Adventure Learning in the Zoos of the Central Baltic Region (2016-2018) Kai-Mikael Jää-Aro, lecturer, School of Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies
Partners: Tallinna Ülikool Länk till annan webbplats. (Project Manager), Tallinna Loomaaed Länk till annan webbplats. , Skansen Länk till annan webbplats., Korkeasaaren eläintarha/Högholmens djurpark Länk till annan webbplats.
Objectives: the main objective of the current project is to integrate the zoos of the Central Baltic region into a joint tourist attraction through developing and implementing a cross-border service package for creative adventure learning with mobile devices. It consists of a set of online game-based learning tools and related apps for mobile devices. The service package is innovative, because:
- the visitors of the zoos are not treated as passive learners, they participate in active knowledge creation through designing different gamified assignments e.g. memory puzzles, video/photo telling assignments, quizzes etc.
- these assignments can be then compiled into outdoor learning games and used for setting up the challenges to other visitors
- the visitors can arrange tournaments and competitions also with visitors of partner zoos in another country
- the achievements of the players will be awarded by Open Badges in all 3 zoos.
Biological heritage as sustainable value creator (2016-2019) Paulina Rytkönen, lecturer, School of Social Sciences
Partners: Centrum för Biologisk Mångfald (Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Project Manager), Norsk Institutt för Bioökonomi (NIBIO), Proneo AS
Objectives: Generations of farmers have harvested the outlying lands of Central Scandinavia for fodder and thus created a biological heritage and a traditional knowledge connected to this. This land use has given rise to the cultural and natural values in the landscape and we want to perceive these as something that could give an additional value also for the farmer. The aim is to highlight in what way these values can be beneficial in marketing food stuffs and touristic experiences in these areas. During the project we will document cultural and natural values as well as different farmers' practical experiences of the use of these values in marketing. The purpose is then in collaboration with the farmers to develop a course concept on how the farmers will be able to create a better income for themselves. Amongst others will we work with the geographical and cultural origin of the products be studied in order to create a higher cultural and authenticity value. This project will be conducted in direct collaboration with those that are facing the harsh reality of the market. The relevance of the project has recently been highlighted by the Norwegian government for the potential contribution of the project to meet key challenges for rural and less favored areas.
Reimagining Norden in an Evolving World (ReNEW): An Excellence Hub in Research, Education and Public Outreach Länk till annan webbplats.. (2018-2023), Prof Norbert Götz, School of Historical and Contemporary Studies - project manager at Södertörn
ReNEW (Reimagining Norden in an Evolving World) is a research hub established to enhance cooperation to develop new and path-breaking excellence in research about the Nordic region. This will be done by enhancing research capabilities - through mobility, exchange, high-level conferences, and education - among six Nordic universities in one strategic and world-leading hub researching the Nordic region. ReNEW aims to be the leading centre of research and teaching excellence globally within themes such as Nordic Co-operation, Gender and Equality, Public Policy, Welfare and Labour Markets, Nordic Democracy and Governance, Branding and Nordic Reputation, Multiculturalism and Integration/Diversity and Globalization. RENEW enables cooperation and partnerships between top researchers and decision makers from the public, private and third sectors.
- University of Helsinki (lead partner)
- University of Oslo
- University of Aarhus
- Copenhagen Business School
- Södertörn University
- University of Iceland
Romani language repertoires in an open world (2019-2025), Prof Kimmo Granqvist, School of Culture and Education – project manager
The research programme examines the complexity of linguistic repertoires in Romani communities that are undergoing changes through increased mobility and transnational networking. This is the first collaborative project in sociolinguistics to focus on Romani; it promises to introduce a new dimension into the analysis of a language community that has been perpetually mobile, transnational and plurilingual, and to enrich the body of work in sociolinguistics through a new and exceptional set of case studies. The programme brings together a team of scholars who represent the cutting edge of research in Romani sociolinguistics and who draw on many years of collaboration. It is a collective endeavour in which Roma will play several roles that are key to the success of the programme.
Södertörn University (coordinator), University of Manchester, University of Graz, LACITO-CNRS
KreativEU – Knowledge & Creativity European University
Södertörns högskola ingår sedan 2023 i konsortiet KreativEU. Läs mer om högskolans samverkan i KreativEu.
Mer information om KreativEU och samarbetet finns på konsortiets webb: kreativeu. Länk till annan webbplats.