Paul Moerman

Paul Moerman


My research is in dance as education, focusing on relational aspects of arts and education, the entwinement of the ethical and the aesthetic, the arts as spaces för new beginnings.

+46 8 608 51 15 +4686085115

Teacher Education


Paul Moerman, university lecturer, is a dancer, actor and literary translator, who received his training at the Stockholm university of the Arts, the University of Dance and Circus, Södertörn University and the Master of Arts program at Valand Academy, University of Gothenburg. Formerly a civil engineer and architect, trained at Rijksuniversiteit Gent and the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, working in Belgium, Sweden and the USA.

Alongside his artistic career, holding a Master in Pedagogy, and now as doctoral candidate in art education at the University of Jyväskylä, he carries out a pedagogical career with drama, dance and writing, as artistic expressions in their own rights, and integrated in education. He teaches on all levels of education, from pre-school through elementary and secondary school, including children and adolescents in the autism spectrum or with other functional variations, introductory classes for new-arrived immigrants, on to college and university levels.

He has designed teaching and learning programs drawing on dance as creative activity – Dancing Through the Alphabet, Dancing Math, Dancing Natural Sciences – as well as programs advocating the art of dance as such in education – Dancing is Becoming , Dancing with the Other – for learners, teachers and educational developers and policy makers. Intercultural and multilingual aspects of knowledge searching and meaning making are highlighted in all programs.

At Södertörn University, he introduced Aesthetics in Learning in the teacher education programs 2006, now a curriculum subject at the school of Culture and Education. 2012 he was producer and master of ceremonies at the alma mater´s Academic Celebration.


Konst som undervisning. Konstutbildning ”efter” Joseph Beuys. (Door kunst onderwezen willen worden. Kunsteducatie “na” Joseph Beuys/Letting Art Teach. Art Education “after” Joseph Beuys. Biesta, G. Översättning. Arnhem: ArtEZ Press/Stockholm: Arkeater, 2017/2021).

Dans som undervisning. Dans, pedagogik, estetik, etik: teori och metod. (Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2021). (Letting Dance Teach. Dance, Pedagogy, Aesthetics, Ethics: Theory and Method).

Hur jag ser på livet, mormor (Comment je perçois la vie, Grand-mère, transl.) Poetry collection by Rita Mestokosho with preface by J.M.G. Le Clézio. Gothenburg: Beijbom Books 2010

Dance and Learn. Why Dancing is Fun and Fruitful in Learning. The International Journal of Pedagogy and Curriculum, Volume 19, 2013

Dansen och pedagogiken. En undersökning ur ett estetiskt och etiskt perspektiv av dansens möjlighetsvillkor i sökandet efter kunskap och mening. Södertöns högskola, 2015.
(Dance and Education. An inquiry from an Aesthetic and Ethical Viewpoint of the Possibilities for Dance in the Search for Knowledge and Meaning)

Att översätta den Andre – Ricœur och Levinas i reflektion. Ett fallstudium – Der Hof im Spiegel / Gården i spegeln av Emine Sevgi Özdamar. Akademin Valand, Göteborgs universitet, 2015.
(Translating the Other – Ricœur and Levinas in reflection. A case study – Der Hof im Spiegel / Gården i spegeln by Emine Sevgi Özdamar)

Dance and Learn. A handbook in Teaching and Learning by Dancing. (unedited)

Dancing Math. Teaching and Learning in the Intersection of Aesthetic and Mathematical Literacy. The Bridges 2016 Finland Proceedings on Mathematics, Music, Art, Architecture, Education, Culture. University of Jyväskylä/Phoenix: Tessellations Publ. 2016.

Dancing and Learning Natural Sciences. Aesthetics, Embodied Knowledge and Classroom Interaction. The International Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Learning, Volume 23:3, 2016.

Här finns dansen och konstarterna på lärarutbildningen. DN Debatt Oct. 16, 2016 [Here are dance and the arts in teacher education]:

Estetiskt erfarande och etiskt ansvar i utbildning. Att dansa med den Andre [Aesthetic Experience and Ethical Responsibility in Education. Dancing with the Other]
paper presentation at the 2016 NEÄL-conference, Stockholm University 2016

Vägvisare – Program och praktik för undervisning om religioner och icke-religiösa livsåskådningar i interkulturell utbildning (Signposts – Policy and practice for teaching about religions and non-religious world views in intercultural education, transl.) Jackson, Robert. Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 2017.

Dance Art, Math, Education. An Eternal Triangle. The Bridges 2018 Stockholm Proceedings on Mathematics, Music, Art, Architecture, Education, Culture. Stockholm: National Museum of Technology and Science/Phoenix: Tessellations Publ. 2018.

Konst som undervisning. Konstutbildning ”efter” Joseph Beuys. (Door kunst onderwezen willen worden. Kunsteducatie “na” Joseph Beuys/Letting Art Teach. Art Education “after” Joseph Beuys. Biesta, G. (2018). Amsterdam: ArtEZ Press/Stockholm: coming).

Stage productions (selection):

Profeter utan gud [Prophets without God] by Slimane Benaïssa. Kulturhuset Stockholm and The National Touring Theatre Annual Festival 2006

Kantat by Lars Forsell, H.M. The Queen´s inauguration of Mångkulturellt centrum. Botkyrka, Fittja Gård 2004

Creation Tales and Other Scenes from the Bible and the Quran. Stockholm, Fryshuset 1999

The House of Bernardo based on García Lorca. Stockholm, Södra Teatern 1989.

DiVA (Digitala Vetenskapliga Arkivet) is Södertörn University's system for digital publishing and for registering publications produced by researchers, teachers and students.


The researcher is not participating in any projects at this moment.