
Samtida filosofi, 15 h枚gskolepo盲ng

Giltig fr.o.m.: VT2021
Giltig t.o.m.: VT2021
Beslutsdatum: 2020-11-20
Beslutad av: Ämnesr氓det i Filosofi

L盲rare: Nicholas Smith

Att k枚pa:

路      Richard Kearney & Mara Rainwater (ed.), The Continental Philosophy Reader

(London: Routledge, 1996) paperback 496 pp.

路      John Mullarkey & Beth Lord (ed.), The Bloomsbury Companion to Continental

Philosophy (Bloomsbury Academic Press, 2013) 432 pp.

路      Terrell Carver & James Martin (ed.), Palgrave Advances in Continental Political

Thought (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006) paperback 337 s. [Part II-III;

denna finns som e-bok genom biblioteket]

路      Robert C. Young, Postcolonialism: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford: Oxford

University Press, 2003).



路      Sandra Harding, 鈥淚s Science Multicultural? Challenges, Resources, Opportunities, Uncertainties鈥, i Configurations 2.2 (1994) p. 301-330

路      Charles W. Mills, ur The Racial Contract (Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1997) s. 1-30

路      Ram贸n Grosfoguel, 鈥淒ecolonizing Western Uni-versalisms: Decolonial Pluri-versalism from Aim茅 C茅saire to the Zapatistas鈥, in Transmodernity, Spring 2012, pp. 88-104 PDF:

路      Etienne Balibar, 鈥淭he Non-Contemporaneity of Althusser鈥, i Kaplan & Sprinker (ed.), The Althusserian Legacy (London: Verso, 1993), pp. 1-16

路      Ian Hacking, 鈥淢ichel Foucault鈥檚 Immature Science鈥, i No没s, Vol. 13/1 (1979), pp. 39-51

路      Linda Mart铆n Alcoff, 鈥淔oucaults Philosophy of Science. Structures of Truth/Structures of Power鈥 i Gary Gutting (ed.), Continental Philosophy of Science (Oxford: Blackwell, 2005), pp. 211-223

路      Niels Br眉gger, 鈥淲hat about the Postmodern? The Concept of the Postmodern in the Work of Lyotard鈥, in Yale French Studies, No. 99, Jean-Francois Lyotard: Time and Judgment (2001), pp. 77-92

路      Daniel W. Smith, 鈥淒eleuze and the Liberal Tradition: Normativity, Freedom and Judgement鈥, Economy and Society (2003) Vol. 32/2, pp. 299鈥324

路      Johannes Anyuru, 鈥滷枚r vita svenskar 盲r rasisten alltid n氓gon annan鈥, Publicerad 10 december 2012

路      Frantz Fanon, Inledning + kap. 5 鈥淒en svarta m盲nniskans upplevelsev盲rld鈥 i Svart hud, vita masker, [1955] 枚vers盲ttning Stefan Jordebrandt (G枚teborg: Daidalos 1997) s. 25-31, 107-132 PDF

路      John Rawls, 鈥淛ustice as Fairness: Political not Metaphysical鈥, i Philosophy & Public Affairs, Vol. 14, No. 3 (Summer, 1985), pp. 223-251 PDF

路      Walter Mignolo, 鈥淒elinking: The Rhetoric of Modernity, the Logic of Coloniality, and the Grammar of Decoloniality鈥, i Cultural Studies 21:2 (2007), pp. 449-514 PDF

路      Mar铆a Lugones, 鈥淗eterosexualism och det koloniala/moderna k枚nssystemet,鈥 i Postkolonial feminism vol. 1, red. Paulina de los Reyes (Stockholm: Tankekraft f枚rlag, 2012) s. 199-232 PDF

路      Susan Moller Okin, 鈥溾楩orty Acres and a Mule鈥 for Women: Rawls and Feminism鈥, i Politics Philosophy Economics 2005 (4/2) pp. 233鈥248 PDF

路      Charles W. Mills, 鈥淩awls on Race/Race in Rawls鈥, i The Southern Journal of Philosophy (2009) Vol. XLVII, pp. 161-184 PDF

路      Howard Caygill, 鈥淣on-Messianic Political Theology in Benjamin鈥檚 鈥極n the Concept of History鈥欌, i Andrew Benjamin (ed.), Walter Benjamin and History (London: Continuum, 2005) pp. 215-226, 251 PDF

路      David Ferris, 鈥淥n the Concept of History鈥 (1939鈥1940), i The Cambridge Introduction to Walter Benjamin (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008) pp. 130-135 PDF

路      Sigrid Weigel, 鈥淭hought-Images. A Re-reading of the 鈥楢ngel of History鈥欌, i Body- and image-space. Re-reading Walter Benjamin, tr. Georgina Paul (London: Routledge, 1996) pp. 46-56 PDF

路      Ziauddin Sardar, Foreword to the 2008 edition of Fanon, Black Skin White Masks (London: Pluto Press, 2008) pp. vi-xx PDF

路      Homi K. Bhabha, 鈥淩emembering Fanon: Self, Psyche and the Colonial Condition鈥, Foreword to the 1986 edition of Fanon, Black Skin White Masks (London: Pluto Press, 2008) pp. xxi-xxxvi PDF

路      Pheng Cheah, 鈥漈he Limits of Thinking in Decolonial Strategies鈥

路      Luce Irigaray, 鈥淪exual Difference鈥, i An Ethics of Sexual Difference, tr. by Carolyn Burke and Gillian C. Gill (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1993 [1984]), pp. 5-19

路      Sara Hein盲maa, 鈥淥n Luce Irigaray's Phenomenology of Intersubjectivity: Between the Feminine Body and its Other鈥, in Maria C. Cimitile & Elaine P. Miller (ed.s), Returning to Irigaray. Feminist Philosophy, Politics, and the Question of Unity (New York: State University of New York Press, 2007), pp. 243-265

路      Jacques Lacan: 鈥淪ome Reflections on the Ego鈥, International Journal of Psychoanalysis (1953), vol. 34, pp. 11-17 (PDF).

路      Dany Nobus, 鈥淟ife and Death in the Glass: A New Look at the Mirror Stage鈥, i Nobus (ed.), Key Concepts of Lacanian Psychoanalysis (New York: Other Press, 1998) pp. 101-138 (PDF)

路      Elisabeth Roudinesco, 鈥淭he Mirror Stage: an Obliterated Archive鈥, i Jean-Michel Rabat茅 (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Lacan (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003) pp. 25-34 (PDF)

路      John P. Muller & William Richardson, 鈥淐hapter 1. The Mirror Stage as Formative of the Function of the I as Revealed in Psychoanalytic Experience鈥, i deras Lacan and Language. A Reader鈥檚 Guide to 脡crits (Madison: International Universities Press, 1994) pp. 26-41 (PDF)

路      Jacques Derrida, 鈥淭he 鈥榃orld鈥 of the Enlightenment to Come鈥, Research in Phenomenology, vol. 33 (2003), pp. 9-52 PDF

路      Iris Marion Young, 鈥淭hrowing Like a Girl: A Phenomenology of Feminine Body Comportment. Motility and Spatiality鈥, Human Studies 3 (1980), p. 137-156

路      Judith Butler, 鈥淧erformative Acts and Gender Constitution: An Essay in Phenomenology and Feminist Theory鈥 (1988) PDF;

路      Sara Ahmed, 鈥淰ithetens fenomenologi,鈥 Tidskrift f枚r genusvetenskap nr 1-2 (2010), s. 47-69 PDF

路      Lisa Folkmarson K盲ll, 鈥淎 Path Between Voluntarism and Determinism. Tracing Elements of Phenomenology in Judith Butler鈥檚 Account of Performativity鈥, i lambda nordica 2-3 (2015), pp. 23-48 PDF

路      Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, 鈥滳an the subaltern speak?鈥, i Cary Nelson & Lawrence Grossberg (ed.s), Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1988) pp. 271-313

路      Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak , 鈥漇cattered Speculations on the Subaltern and the Popular鈥, i Postcolonial Studies 8:4 (2005), pp. 475-486

路      Michel Foucault & Gilles Deleuze, 鈥滻ntellectuals and Power鈥 i Michel Foucault, Language, Counter-Memory, Practice: Selected Essays and Interviews, D. F. Bouchard (ed.) (Ithaca: Cornell U. P. 1977), pp. 205-217

路      J. Maggio, 鈥溾機an the Subaltern Be Heard?鈥: Political Theory, Translation, Representation, and Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak鈥, i Alternatives 32 (2007), p. 419鈥443

路      Rosalind Morris, 鈥滻ntroduction鈥, i R. Morris (ed.), Can the Subaltern Speak?: Reflections on the History of an Idea (New York: Columbia U. P., 2010) p. 1-9

路      Ania Loomba, 鈥滵ead Women Tell No Tales: Issues of Female Subjectivity, Subaltern Agency and Tradition in Colonial and Post-colonial Writings on Widow Immolation in India鈥, i History Workshop, No. 36, Colonial and Post-Colonial History (1993), pp. 209 -227

路      Angela Davis, 鈥淟ectures on Liberation鈥, (Los Angeles: National United Committee to Free Angela Davis", 1971)

路       Matthias Fritsch, "Derrida's Democracy To Come", Constellations, Vol 9/4 (2002),  pp. 574-597

路       M. Jacqui Alexander & Chandra Talpade Mohanty, 鈥滳artographies of Knowledge and Power, Transnational Feminism as Radical Praxis鈥, i Amanda Lock Swarr & Richa Nagar (ed.s),Critical Transnational Feminist Praxis (Albany: SUNY Press, 2010), pp. 23-45