
Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap C, 30 högskolepoÀng

Giltig fr.o.m.: VT2021
Giltig t.o.m.: VT2021
Beslutsdatum: 2020-11-25
Beslutad av: ÄmnesrĂ„det i Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap

Delkurs 1, Specialisering inom teori och metod, 7,5hp 


Specialisering, teorifördjupning, alternativ: 

Medier, röst och erkĂ€nnande (360 s + 100 s) 


Couldry, Nick. (2010). Why voice matters: culture and politics after neoliberalism. London: Sage. 176 s. 


Edwards, Lee. (2018). Public relations, voice and recognition: a case study. Media, Culture & Society, 40(3), 317–332. 

Fraser, Nancy (2001) Rethinking recognition. New left review. Issue 3: 107-120. 

Gerbaudo, P. (2018). Social media and populism: an elective affinity? Media, Culture & Society, 40(5), 745–753. 

Honneth, Axel. (2004). Organized Self-Realization: Some Paradoxes of Individualization. European Journal of Social Theory, 7(4), 463–478. 

Macnamara, Jim (2013) Beyond voice: audience-making and the work and architecture of listening as new media literacies, Continuum, 27:1, 160-175, DOI: 10.1080/10304312.2013.736950 

Papacharissi, Zizi (2015) Affective publics: Sentiment, technology, and politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. S. 64-114 

Sen, Amartya. (1999) Development as Freedom. Oxford: Oxford University Press. S. 13-34 

Jakobsson, Peter., & Stiernstedt, Fredrik. (2018). Voice, silence and social class on television. European Journal of Communication, 33(5), 522–539. 

Svensson, Marina. (2014). Voice, power and connectivity in China’s microblogosphere: Digital divides on SinaWeibo. China Information, 28(2), 168–188. 

van Zoonen, Lizbeth. (2012). I-Pistemology: Changing truth claims in popular and political culture. European Journal of Communication, 27(1), 56–67. 


Plus 100 sidor valfritt.  

Bourdieus kultursociologi (375 + 100) 


Bengtsson, Stina: “Digital distinctions: mechanisms of difference in digital media use”, MedieKultur 2015, 58, 30-48 (18 s.) 

Bourdieu, Pierre (2000). Konstens regler. Det litterĂ€ra fĂ€ltets uppkomst och struktur. Stockholm/Stehag: Symposion. Del 1. (160 sidor). 

Bourdieu, Pierre (1996). Photography: A Middlebrow Art. London: Polity Press, Kap 1. (90 sidor). 

Bourdieu, Pierre (1984). Distinction. A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP. Kap 1, s. 11-63, “The Aristocracy of Culture”. (52 sidor) 

Broady, Donald (red.) (1998). Kulturens fĂ€lt. En antologi. Göteborg: Daidalos. ”Inledning”, sid. 11-21 (11 sidor). 

Danielsson, Martin (2014). Digitala distinktioner. Klass och kontinuitet i unga mĂ€ns vardagliga mediepraktiker. Jönköping: Högskolan för lĂ€rande och kommunikation. Kapitel 3, “Teoretiska utgĂ„ngspunkter”. (24 sidor). 

Hesmondhalgh, David (2006). “Bourdieu, the media and cultural production”. Media, Culture and Society, March 2006 vol. 28 no. 2, 211-231 (20 sidor). 


Plus 100 sidor valfritt. 


Feministisk teori (406 + 100) 

Gill, Rosalind (2007) Gender and the Media, Cambridge: Polity Press. Kap. 1, 2, 4 och 8 (135 s.) 


McRobbie, Angela (2007) “Postfeminism and Popular Culture: Bridget Jones and the New Gender Regime”, in Diane Negra & Yvonne Tasker (eds.) Interrogating Postfeminism: Gender and the Politics of Popular Culture, Durham: Duke University Press, pp. 27-39. (12 s.) 


Marwick, Alice E. & Robyn Caplan (2018) “'Drinking male tears': language, the manosphere and networked harassment”, Feminist Media Studies, Vol. 18(4), pp. 543-559 (16 s.) 


MacĂ­as, Kelly (2015) “Tweeting Away Our Blues: An Interpretative Phenomenological Approach to Exploring Black Women's Use of Social Media to Combat Misogynoir”, (diss.). Nova Southeastern University, College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, ca 140 s. (lĂ€ses i utdrag) 


Hirdman, Anja & Madeleine Kleberg (2015. Mediers kĂ€nsla för kön: feministisk medieforskning, Göteborg: Nordicom. S 19-73, 139-155, 173-223 (103 s.) 


Plus 100 sidor valfritt. 


Journalistikforskning (397 + 100 s) 

Karlsson, Michael och StrömbĂ€ck, Jesper (2019) Handbok i journalistikforskning, Lund: Studentlitteratur. (urval 150 s) 

Entman, Robert M. (1993) “Framing: Towards clarification of a fractured paradigm,” in Journal of Communication, vol 4, pp 51-58. (7 s) 

Galtung, Johan, and Mari Holmboe Ruge. 1965. “The Structure of Foreign News.” Journal of Peace Research Vol. 2 (1): 64–91. doi:10.77/002234336500200104. (27 s) 

Papacharissi, Zizi (2015). Toward New Journalism(s), Journalism Studies, Vol. 16(1): 27-40. (13 s) 

Peters, Chris & Marcel Broersma (eds.) (2017). Rethinking Journalism Again: Societal Role and Public Relevance in a Digital Age, Oxon: Routledge.‹ (urval 150 s) 

Tuchman, Gaye (1978) Making News: A Study in the Construction of Reality, New York: Free Press. (urval 50 s) 

Plus 100 sidor valfritt. 


Mediernas infrastrukturer (400 + 100s)  

Böcker (urval, 400 s) 

Bowker, Geoffrey C. & Star, Susan Leigh. 2000. Sorting Things Out. Classification and its consequences, Cambridge: MIT Press. 


Larkin, Brian. 2008. Signal and Noise. Media, Infrastructure, and Urban Culture in Nigeria, Durham: Duke University Press. 


Parks, Lisa & Starosielski, Nicole, 2015. Signal Traffic, University of Illinois Press. 


Starosielski, Nicole. 2015. The Undersea Network, Duke University Press. 

Plus 100 sidor valfritt. 


Medier och medborgarskap (366 + 100 s) 

Dahlgren, Peter (2009). Media and political engagement: citizens, communication and democracy, New York: Cambridge University Press. (urval 150 s). 


Ratto, Matt & Megan Boler (eds.) (2014). DIY citizenship: critical making and social media, Cambridge Massachusetts: The MIT Press (urval 100 s). 


Dahlgren Peter (2006). Doing citizenship The cultural origins of civic agency in the public sphere, European Journal of Cultural Studies, August 2006 vol. 9 no. 3 267-286 (19 s) 


Zoonen, Liesbet van (2005). Entertaining the citizen: when politics and popular culture converge. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, kap 1-4, 8-9 (97 s) 


Plus 100 sidor valfritt. 


Celebritetskulturer (387 + 100) 


Driessens, Olivier (2014) “Theorizing celebrity cultures: Thickenings of media cultures and the role of cultural (working) memory”, Communications: European Journal of Communication Research, Vol. 39(2): 109-127. (18 s) 


Dyer, Richard (1986/2004) “Monroe and sexuality”, in Heavenly Bodies: Film Stars and Society, Oxon: Routledge, ss. 17-64. (47 s) 


Forslid, Torbjörn, Patrik Lundell, Anders Ohlsson & Tobias Olsson (red.) (2017) Celebritetsskapande frĂ„n Strindberg till Asslani, Stockholm: Kungliga biblioteket, Mediehistoriskt arkiv no. 35. ss.9-92, 219-241. (urval, 105 s) 


Khamis, Susie, Lawrence Ang & Raymond Welling (2017) “Self-branding, ‘micro-celebrity’ and the rise of social media influencers”, Celebrity Studies, Vol. 8(2): 191-208. (17 s) 


McDonell, Andrea (2014) Reading Celebrity Gossip Magazines, Cambridge: Polity Press. s. 1-43 (urval 40 s) 


Turner, Graeme (2004/2014) Understanding Celebrity, London: Sage. (157 s) 


Plus 100 sidor valfritt.  


Medialisering (413 + 100): 


Hepp, Andreas (2013). Cultures of Mediatization. London: Polity. (166 s) 


Hjarvard, Stig (2013). The Mediatization of Culture and Society, London: Routledge (173 s). 


Schultz, Winfried (2004). Reconstructing Mediatization as an Analytical Concept, European Journal of Communication, vol. 19 no. 1 87-101 (14 s). 


Fast Karin and Anne Kaun (2014): Mediatization of culture and everyday life. Karlstad University Studies 2014:13 ISBN: 978-91-7063-548-9/Mediestudier vid Södertörns högskola 2014:1 ISSN 1650-6162ISBN 978-91-86069-87-2 . Sid 1-65. (60 sidor).Plus 100 sidor valfritt. 

Fenomenologi: medierna och existensen (375 + 100): 

Scannell, Paddy (2014). Television and the meaning of live. An enquiry into the human situation. Cambridge: Polity Press. (1-152 s.) 


Maria Bakardjieva (2005). Internet Society. The internet in everyday life. London: Sage. (200 sidor) 


Moores, Shaun (2006). Media Uses & Everyday Environmental Experiences: A Positive Critique of Phenomenological Geography. Particip@tions Volume 3, Issue 2. 

Plus 100 sidor valfritt. 


Medier som minne och arkiv (395 + 100) 


Erll, Astrid, & Ansgar NĂŒnning (Eds.). (2008). Cultural Memory Studies: An International and Interdisciplinary Handbook. Berlin/ NewYork: DeGryuter. Introduktion av Erll, kapitel av A Assman & J Assman, samt hela sektion 5, “Media and Cultural Memory”, totalt 90 s. 


Hegardt, Johan & Trond Lundemo (red.) (2016). Historiens hemvist III: Minne, medier och materialitet. Göteborg/Stockholm: Makadam. Inledning av Hegardt & Lundemo, valfria artiklar av Lundemo, Brunow, Ericson, Huss m fl, totalt 90 s. 


Neiger, M., Meyers, O., Zandberg, E. (Eds.) (2011). On Media Memory: Collective Memory in a New Media Age. London: Palgrave & Macmillan. Artiklar av Frosh, Hoskins, Zelizer, Bourdon, + valfri, totalt 100s. 


Van Dijck, JosĂ© (2007). Mediated Memories in the Digital Age. Stanford, Ca: Stanford University Press. Kap 1,2, 8 (65 s), + 2 valfria kapitel av 3,4,5,6,7 (ca 50 s), totalt 115 s. 


Plus 100 sidor valfritt, 


Aktivism och digitala medier (307 + 100) 


Bennett, Lance and Segerberg, Alexandra (2012) 'The Logic of Connective Action', Information, Communication & Society, 15(5), pp. 739-768. (29 sidor) 


Gerbaudo, Paolo (2012). Tweets and the Streets. London: Pluto Press. 18-47; 134-157. (53 sidor) 


Barrassi, Veronica (2013). When Materiality Counts: The social and political importance of activist magazines in Europe. Global Media and Communication, 9(2), pp. 135-151. (16 sidor) 


Kaun, A. (2016) Crisis and Critique. A Brief History of Media Participation. London: Zed Books, Introduction, Chapter 2, 4, conclusion (57 sidor) 


Leistert, Oliver (2015). The Revolution Will Not Be Liked: On the Systemic Constraints of Corporate Social-Media Platforms for Protests. In: Dencik, L & Leistert, Oliver (eds.). Critical Perspectives on Social Media and Protest. London: Rowman & Littlefield, pp. 35-52. (17 sidor) 


Svensson, Jakob (2014). Sociala medier och politisk deltagande i Sverige. Om det digitala deltagandets drivkrafter. (191 sidor) 


Yang, G. (2016) 'Activism', in Peters, B. (ed.) Digital Keywords: A Vocabulary of Information Society and Culture. Princeton, Oxford: Princeton University Press, pp. 1-17. (17 sidor) 


Plus 100 sidor valfritt.  


Fotografi och representation (400 + 100) 

Barthes, R (1980/1986) Det ljusa rummet. Tankar om fotografi. Stockholm: Alfabeta. (ca 150 s) 

Barthes, R (1961/1977) “The Photographic message” i Image, Music, Text. London: Fontana Press. (20 s) 

Schiller, D (1977) ‘‘Realism, Photography and Journalistic Objectivity in 19th Century America’’, Studies in the Anthropology of Visual Communication 4(2), pp. 86_98. (20 s) 

Sontag, S (2004) ”Att betrakta andras lidande”, Dagens Nyheter 2004-05-30. (10 s) 

GĂłmez Cruz, E & A Lehmuskallio (red) (2016), Digital Photography and everyday life. Empirical studies on material visual practices. London: Routledge. (200 s)  

Plus 100 s valfritt. 


Specialisering, metodfördjupning, alternativ:  


Etnografiska metoder (265 + 50 s valfri) 

Hammersley Martyn och Paul Atkinson (2007). Ethnography: principles in practice (third edition). London and New York: Routledge. (236 sidor). 


Bengtsson, Stina (2014). Faraway So Close! Proximity and distance in ethnography online. Media, Culture and Society, vol. 36, no. 6, sid. 862-877. (15 sidor) 

Coleman E. Gabriella (2010). Ethnographic Approaches to Digital Media. Annual Review of Anthropology. Vol. 39, sid. 487–505. (18 sidor) 

Plus 50 sidor valfri litteratur. 


Digitala och kvantitativa metoder (245 + 50) 


Rogers, Richard (2013). Digital methods. Boston: MIT Press. (200 sidor) 


Yun, G. W. and Trumbo, C. W. (2000), Comparative Response to a Survey Executed by Post, E-mail, & Web Form. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 6: 0. doi:10.1111/j.1083-6101.2000.tb00112.x. 


Moe, H., & Larsson, A. O. (2012). Methodological and ethical challenges associated with large-scale analyses of online political communication. Nordicom Review, 33(1), sid. 117-124. (7 sidor) 


Taina Bucher (2016). Neither Black Nor Box: Ways of Knowing Algorithms. I Kubitschko och Kaun (red.): Innovative methods in Media and Communications Research, Palgrave Macmillan. Kap 5. (18 sidor). 


Plus 50 sidor valfri litteratur. 



Narrations- och genreanalys (250 s + 50 s valfri) 


Aristoteles (u.Ă„./1961). Om diktkonsten (Poetiken), Stockholm: Natur och Kultur (s. 23-33). 


Bolin, Göran (2008). ‘BildsprĂ„k och berĂ€ttarform. Narrativa framstĂ€llningar i multimediala miljöer’, i Mats Ekström (ed.): Mediernas sprĂ„k, Malmö: Liber, s. 40-60. 


Bordwell, David (1985/1990). Narration in the Fiction Film, London: Routledge (s. 48-62). 


Feuer, Jane (1987/1990). â€Genre Study and Television”, i Robert C. Allen (red): Channels of Discourse. Television and Contemporary Criticism, London: Routledge, s. 113-133. 


Frow, John (2005). Genre. London: Routledge. Kap. 1, “Approaching Genre”, 22 s. 


Gunning, Tom (1986/1990): ”The Cinema of Attractions. Early Film, Its Spectator and the Avant-Garde”, i Thomas Elsaesser (red): Early Cinema. Space, Frame, Narrative, London: BFI, s. 56-62. 


McQuillan, Martin (ed.) (2000). The Narrative Reader, London: Routledge. (Structuralist readings: Roland Barthes, 'Introduction to the Structural Analysis of Narratives', Umberto Eco, 'Narrative Structure in Ian Fleming', Tzvetan Todorov, 'The Typology of Detective Fiction'). Sid. 109-127 


Murray, Janet H. (2000): Hamlet on the Holodeck. The Future of Narrative in Cyberspace, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press (s 13-64 = 50 s). 


Neale, Steve (1990): ‘Questions of Genre’, Screen, 31(1): 45-66. 


Propp, Vladimir (1968): Morphology of the Russian Folktale, Austin: University of Texas Press. (Urval, ca 50 s) 


Simons, Jan (2007): ‘Narrative, Games and Theory’, Game Studies 7(1). (15 s) 


Plus 50 sidor valfri litteratur. 



Semiotik och diskursanalys (293 + 50 s) 


Barthes, R (1957/2007) Mytologier. Lund: Arkiv förlag. ”Del 2. Myten idag”. (54 s) 

Fairclough, N (1995) Media Discourse, London & New York: Arnold. (urval 15 s) 

Machin, D & A. Mayr (2012) How to do critical discourse analysis (Elektronisk resurs). London: Sage. (urval 100 s) 

Van Leeuwen, T (2005). Introducing social semiotics (Elektronisk resurs). London & New York: Routledge. (urval 100 s) 

+ 50+ s valfritt 

Delkurs 2: Vetenskapsteoretiska perspektiv pÄ medier och kommunikation


Sohlberg, Peter & Sohlberg, Britt-Marie( 2019): Kunskapens former. Vetenskapsteori, forskningmetodik och forskningsetik, Stockholm: Liber. (ca 320 s) 

Uggla, Bengt Kristensson (2019): En strĂ€van efter sanning: vetenskapens teori och praktik. Lund: Studentlitteratur. (ca 380 s) 

Texter Studiewebben eller tillgĂ€nglig online: 

Bourdieu, Pierre, Photography. A Middlebrow Art (1965/1990), “Part 1”, s 1-98. Cambridge: Polity Press 

Kant, Immanuel (1989 [1874]): ”Svar pĂ„ frĂ„gan: Vad Ă€r upplysning?” i Brutus Östling (red.), Vad Ă€r upplysning? Stockholm/Stehag: Symposion, s. 27-36. 

Latour, B. (2004). Why has critique run out of steam? From matters of fact to matters of concern. Critical inquiry, 30(2), 225-248. 

Ricoeur, Paul (1970/1992): "Vad Ă€r en text", FrĂ„n text till handling, Stockholm/Stehag: Brutus Östlings Bokförlag Symposion, 31-64. 

Ricoeur, Paul (1986/1992): ”Förklara och förstĂ„: text, handling, historia”, ur Ricoeur: FrĂ„n text till handling, Stockholm/Stehag: Brutus Östlings Bokförlag Symposion, s. 67-78. 

Swedberg, Richard (2016): Before theory comes theorizing or how to make social science more interesting. The British journal of sociology, 67(1), 5-22. 



Dayan, Daniel & Elihu Katz (1992): Media events. The live broadcasting of history, Cambridge, MA & London: Harvard University Press 

Gripsrud, Jostein (1998): ”Ti Ă„r i bransjen: Fortid, samtid, framtid” ur Nordicom Information Vol 20 (3). (7 s) 

Hepp, Andreas & Nick Couldry (2010): “Introduction: Media events in globalized media cultures”, i Nick Couldry, Andreas Hepp & Friedrich Krotz (eds): Media events in a global age, London/New York: Routledge, 1-20. 

Lasswell, Harold (1948): “The Structure and Function of Communication in Society”, i Bryson, Lyman (red.) The Communication of Ideas, New York: Copper Square Publishers, s 37-52. 

Liedman, Sven Eric (1998): ”Inledning”, ur Mellan det triviala och det outsĂ€gliga, Göteborg: Daidalos, s 9-17. 

Bengtsson, Stina, Staffan Ericson och Fredrik Stiernstedt (2020). Medievetenskapens IdĂ©traditioner. Lund: Studentlitteratur.