
Medier, kultur och samhälle 1, 7.5 högskolepoäng

Giltig fr.o.m.: VT2021
Giltig t.o.m.: VT2021
Beslutsdatum: 2020-11-26
Beslutad av: Ämnesrådet i Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap


Books and Chapters: 

Couldry, Nick (2020): Media. Why it matters. Cambridge: polity. (118 pages) 

Curran, James & Hesmondhalgh, David (eds.) (2019). Media and Society. 6th edition. New York, London: Bloomsbury. - Chapters: 1, 5, 7, 9, 13 (87 pages) 

Curran, James; Fenton, Natalie; and Freedman, Des (eds.) (2016), Misunderstanding the Internet, 2nd edition, New York: Routledge. - Chapters: 2, 6 (62 pages) 

Carpentier, N., K. Schrøder, L. Halette (2013), ‘Audience / Society Transformations’, in: Carpentier, Schrøder, Halette (eds), Audience Transformations: Shifting Audience Position in Late Modernity. London: Routledge, pp. 1-14. (14 pages) 

Hall, Stuart (1990), ‘Cultural Identity and Diaspora’, in Jonathan Rutherford (ed), Identity: Community, Culture, Difference, Lawrence & Wishart, pp. 222–237. (15 pages) 

Hodkinson, Paul (2017). Media, Culture and Society: An Introduction. 2nd edition. Thousand Oaks: Sage.- Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13 (190 pages) 

McLuhan, Marshall (2013). Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man. Gingko Press. - Chapters: 1, 2 (18 pages) 

Smets, Kevin et al. (2019): The SAGE Handbook of Media and Migration. London: SAGE. - Chapters: 10, 12, 39 (23 pages) 

Stehling, M.; Thomas, T.; Kruse, M.-M.(2019). Media, Participation, and Collaboration in Post-Migrant Societies. In Media and Participation in Post-Migrant Societies (pp. 3-15). (12 pages) 

Williams, Raymond; Silverstone, Roger (2003): Television: Technology and Cultural Form. London: Routledge. - Chapter 1: The Technology and The Society. (25 pages) 


Articles (available at the library, or digitally through Söder Scholar) 

Bird, E. (2011), ‘Are we all produsers now?’, Cultural Studies, 25(4-5), pp. 502-516. (14 pages) 

Bolter, J. David and Richard A Grusin. "Remediation." Configurations, vol. 4 no. 3, 1996, p. 311- 358. Project MUSE, doi:10.1353/con.1996.0018. (47 pages) 

Chouliaraki, L., & Stolic, T. (2017), ‘Rethinking media responsibility in the refugee “crisis”: a visual typology of European news’, Media, Culture and Society, 39(8), pp. 1162–1177. (15 pages) 

Couldry, N. (2004). Theorising media as practice. Social Semiotics, 14(2), 115–132. (17 pages) 

Dahlgren, P. (2006). Doing citizenship: The cultural origins of civic agency in the public sphere. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 9(3), 267–286. (19 pages) 

Deuze, M. (2011). Media life. Media, Culture and Society, 33(1), pp. 137-148. (11 pages) 

Ekström, Mats et al. (2013), ‘Live co-produced news: emerging forms of news production and presentation on the web’, Media, Culture & Society, 35(5), pp. 620-639. (19 pages) 

Interview with Wolfgang Ernst:  

Farkas, J., & Schou, J. (2018). Fake News as a Floating Signifier: Hegemony, Antagonism and the Politics of Falsehood. Javnost, 25(3), 298–314. (16 pages) 

Gillespie, M., Osseiran, S., & Cheesman, M. (2018). Syrian Refugees and the Digital Passage to Europe: Smartphone Infrastructures and Affordances. Social Media + Society, 1–12. (12 pages) 

Habermas, J., Lennox, S. & Lennox, F. (1974). The Public Sphere: An Encyclopedia Article (1964). New German Critique, (3), pp. 49-55. (6 pages) 

Kaun, A., & Uldam, J. (2017). ‘Volunteering is like any other business’: Civic participation and social media. New Media & Society, 1–22. (22 pages) 

Munz, E. A. (2017). Ethnographic Interview. In: The SAGE Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods. (5 pages) 

Parcell, E. S.; Rafferty, K. A. (2017). Interviews, Recording and Transcribing. In: The SAGE Encyclopedia of Communication Research Methods. (5 pages) 

Velkova, J. (2016). Data that warms: Waste heat, infrastructural convergence and the computation traffic commodity. Big Data and Society, 3(2), 1–10. (10 pages)