
Medier och vardagsliv, 7.5 högskolepoäng

Giltig fr.o.m.: HT2021
Giltig t.o.m.: VT2022
Beslutsdatum: 2021-05-28
Beslutad av: Ämnesrådet för medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap

Bakardjieva, Maria (2005) Internet Society: The Internet in Everyday Life, London: Sage. (200 sidor)  


Bengtsson, Stina (2006) "Symbolic Spaces of Everyday Life: Work and Leisure at Home", Nordicom Review Vol. 27: 119-132. (13 s.)  


Boyd, Danah (2014) It"s Complicated: The Social Lives of Networked Teens, Yale: Yale University Press. (intro, chapter 1,3 & 8) (100 s.)  


Couldry, Nick and Andreas Hepp (2017) The Mediated Construction of Reality, Cambridge: Polity Press.  


Deuze, Mark (2012) Media Life, New York: Polity Press. (265 s.)  


Gustafsson, J (2018). Domestic connectivity: media, gender and the domestic sphere in Kenya, Media and Communication, 6(2): 188-198. (10s)  


Jensen, Klaus Bruhn (ed.) (2012) A Handbook of Media and Communication Research: Qualitative and Quantitative Methodologies, London & New York: Routledge. (chapters 9, 10) (ca 40 s.)  


Miller, Vincent (2008) "New Media, Networking and Phatic Culture", Convergence, Vol. 14(4): 387-400. (13 s.)  


Moores, Shaun (2006) 'Media Uses & Everyday Environmental Experiences: A Positive Critique of Phenomenological Geography'. Particip@tions, Volume 3, Issue 2. 30 p  


Pink, Sarah., Sumartojo, Shanti., Lupton, Deborah., & Heyes La Bond, Christine. (2017). Mundane data: The routines, contingencies and accomplishments of digital living. Big Data & Society, January–June 2017: 1–12. (12p)  


Radway, Janice (1984/1987) Reading the Romance: Women, Patriarchy and Popular Literature, London & New York: Verso. (chapters 2, 3) (ca 40 s.)  


Szulc, Lukasz. (2019). Queer Migrants and Digital Culture, in Smets, K., Leurs, K., Georgiou, M., Witteborn, S., & Gajjala, R. (Eds.). The SAGE Handbook of Media and Migration.  London: SAGE Publications Ltd  


Turkle, Sherry (2008) "Always-on/Always-on-you: The Tethered Self", in Mainstreaming Mobiles: Mobile Communication and Social Change, James Katz (ed.). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (21 s.)  


Watson, Ash., Lupton., Michael, Mike. (2021). Enacting intimacy and sociality at a distance in the COVID-19 crisis: the sociomaterialities of home-based communication technologies. Media International Australia 2021, Vol. 178(1) 136–150 (15p)  


Williams, Raymond (1958) "Culture", in Keywords, pp. 87-93. (6 s.)