
Medieteknologier i förändring, 7.5 högskolepoäng

Giltig fr.o.m.: VT2021
Giltig t.o.m.: HT2021
Beslutsdatum: 2020-11-26
Beslutad av: Ämnesrådet i Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap

Antal sidor (inklusive referenslitteratur): ca 950 sidor 

Andersson, Linus (2020) ”Walter Benjamin: Konstverket i den tekniska reproduktionens tidsålder” (1936). I Bengtsson, Ericson, Stiernstedt (red) Medievetenskapens idétraditioner, Studentlitteratur: Lund.  


Andrejevic, Mark (2019) Automated Media. London: Routledge. Kapitel 1-3, (83 sidor) 


Benjamin, Walter (1936). The work of art in the age of its technological reproducibility.  


Forsman, Michael (2020) Neil Postman: Underhållning till döds (1985). I Bengtsson, Ericson, Stiernstedt (red) Medievetenskapens idétraditioner, Studentlitteratur: Lund.  


Bolter, Jay David, & Grusin, Richard (2000). Remediation: Understanding New Media. Cambridge: MIT Press.  


Bucher, T. (2018). If... then: algorithmic power and politics. New York: Oxford University Press. Kapitel 2, 3 and 4  


Cubitt, Sean (2016). Ecologies of Fabrication. In: Starosielski, Nicole & Walker, Janet (eds). Sustainable Media. London: Routledge, pp. 163-179. 


Ericson, Staffan (2020) Raymond Williams: Television: teknologi och kulturell form (1974). I Bengtsson, Ericson, Stiernstedt (red) Medievetenskapens idétraditioner, Studentlitteratur: Lund. 


Ericson, Staffan & Riegert, Kristina (2010). Media Houses: Architecture, Media, and the Production of Centrality. New York: Peter Lang. Kapitel 1 och 5 


Fischer, Otto (2020) Friedrich Kittler: Nedskrivningssystem 1800-1900 (1985). I Bengtsson, Ericson, Stiernstedt (red) Medievetenskapens idétraditioner, Studentlitteratur: Lund.  


Gillespie, T. (2016). Algorithm. In B. Peters (Ed.), Digital keywords: a vocabulary of information, society and culture (pp. 18-30). Princeton: Princeton University Press.  


Gillespie (2018) Custodians of the Internet, kapitel 1,2 och 8 


Gitelman, Lisa (2006): "Introduction: media as historical subjects" i Always Already New: Media, History and the Data of Culture, Cambridge: Massachusetts, The MIT Press, s 1-12. 


Jakobsson, Peter (2020) Lev Manovich: The language of new media (2001) I Bengtsson, Ericson, Stiernstedt (red) Medievetenskapens idétraditioner, Studentlitteratur: Lund. 


van Dijck, J. (2014). Datafication, Dataism and Dataveillance: Big Data between Scientific Paradigm and Ideology. Surveillance & Society, 12(2), 197-208. 


Kitchin, Rob (2014/ 2020 2ndedition): The Data Revolution. Big Data, Open Data, Data Infrastructures and their Consequences. London: Sage. (pp. 1-26; 27-47) (46 s) 


Manovich, Lev (2001). The language of new media. Cambridge: MIT Press. s. 18-61. (43 s) 


Mattern, Shannon (2013) Infrastructural Tourism, Places Journal, 1–21.  


Mattern, Shannon Code and Clay. Data and Dirt. Five Thousand Years of Urban Media. Introduction xvii – xxix. (34 s) 


Merchant Brian (2017). Were the raw materials in your iPhone mined by children in inhumane conditions? 


McLuhan, Marshall (1964). Understanding media: The extensions of man. London: Routledge. Inledning (s. 14-17); Mediet = Budskapet (s. 18-35); Heta och svala media (s. 36-48), läses kursivt (sidnummer till Pockys svenska utgåva.) 


Mosco, Vincent (2019): The Smart City in a Digital World. Bingley: Emerald. (pp. 1-24; 27-58; 59-96; 215-248) (125 s.) 


Olsson, Jesper (2020) N. Katherine Hayles: How we became posthuman (1999) 


Parikka, Jussi (2012). What is Media Archaeology? Cambridge: Polity Press. (pp. 1-18) (18 s). 


Parks, Lisa (2009) Around the Antenna Tree: The Politics of Infrastructural Visibility, Flow, 9: 1–9.  


Parks, Lisa (2015) “Stuff You Can Kick!”: Toward a Theory of Media Infrastructures, in Svensson P and Goldberg DT (eds) Between Humanities and the Digital, Cambridge, Ma & London: MIT Press, pp. 355–373.  


Roberts, Sarah T. 2016. “Commercial Content Moderation: Digital Laborers’ Dirty Work.” In Intersectional Internet: Race, Sex, Class and Culture Online, edited by Safiya Umoja Noble and Brendesha Tynes, 147–59. New York: Peter Lang Publishing Inc.  


Velkova, Julia (2016). Data that warms: Waste heat, infrastructural convergence and the computation traffic commodity. Big Data & Society. 


Willim, Robert (2014) Under molnen – Synliggörandet av digital infrastruktur och hur tillit och aura skapas, in Larsson S and Runeson P (eds) DigiTrust Tillit i det digitala Tvarvetenskapliga perspektiv fran ett forskningsprojekt, Lund, pp. 97–106.  


Winthrop-Young, G. (2014). The Kultur of Cultural Techniques: Conceptual Inertia and the Parasitic Materialities of Ontologization. Cultural Politics an International Journal, 10(3), 376–388.