
Engelska B, 30 högskolepoäng

Giltig fr.o.m.: HT2021
Giltig t.o.m.: HT2021
Beslutsdatum: 2021-04-28
Beslutad av: Ämnesrådet i Engelska

Multiethnic American Literature

●     Caliendo, Stephen M. and Charlton d. McIlwain eds. The Routledge Companion to Race and Ethnicity, 2nd. ed., Routledge, 2021. Selections ca. 100 pp.

●     Cisneros, Sandra. The House on Mango Street, 1983, 103 pp.

●     Erdrich, Louise. The Round House, Harper Collins, 2012. 250 pp.

●      Graff, Gerald, Cathy Birkenstein, and Russel Durst. They Say/I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing. Norton, 2018. Fourth ed. (352 pages). Selected chapters, ca 60 pp.

●     Lee, Chang-rae. “Coming Home Again,” The New Yorker, 1995. 15 pp. Available on line.

●     Morrison, Toni. Beloved. 1987. 320 pp.

●     Vercher, John. Three-Fifths, Agora, 2019. 270 pp.

●     Vuong, Ocean.  On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous. Vintage, 2019. 240 pp.


Additional articles, poetry, short stories, max. 60 sidor.




Grammar / Grammatik

●     Sharp, Harriet: English Grammar for B-level Students (5th ed., 2019). This text is only available at Harrys böcker at Södertörn University. (100 pages)

Reference literature:

●     Estling Vannerståhl, Maria. 2007. A University Grammar of English with a Swedish Perspective. Lund: Studentlitteratur (516 pages)

●     Svartvik, Jan et al. 2003. Engelsk universitetsgrammatik. Övningsbok med nyckel. Stockholm: Liber. (46 pages)

●     Material by Harriet Sharp: Basic Language Analysis 6th ed (2015) och Sharp Notes on English Grammar 4th ed. (2018) (available only at Harrys böcker)

Language and Power / Språk och makt

●     Graff, Gerald, Cathy Birkenstein and Russel Durst. 2014. They Say/I Say: The Moves that Matter in Academic Writing. 3rd ed., New York: Norton. (321 pages).

●     Mooney, A. and Evans, B. 2018. Language, Society and Power; An Introduction (5th edition). London /Routledge (298 pages).

●     Coates, Jennifer. 2004. Women, Men and Language. Pearson Education Limited. (204 pages)

●     Sharp, Harriet. 2016. Writing Academic English; A Study Guide to Oshima & Hogue (2006), 2nd edition (100 pages).

These texts are freely available online and will also be made available via the course platform:

●     Dvorak, M., 2013. Means of Increasing Credibility in Religious Discourse - Credibility Boosters. Language and Communication Quarterly. Volume: 2, Issue: 4. Untested Ideas Research Center. Niagara Falls. 230-241.

●     Dvorak, M., 2013. Intimidation, Versatile Wide-Coverage Taints, Semantic Polarity and Semantic Association as Elements Facilitating Religious Persuasion. Language and Communication Quarterly. Volume 2, Issue 1. Untested Ideas Research Center. Niagara Falls. 22-35.

●     Van Dijk, T.A., 1996. Discourse, power and access. Texts and practices: Readings in critical discourse analysis, pp.84-104. (20 pages)

●     Teo, P., 2000. Racism in the news: A critical discourse analysis of news reporting in two Australian newspapers. Discourse & Society, 11(1), pp.7-49. (42 pages)

Reference literature:

●     Carter, Ronald and Angela Goddard. 2016. How to Analyse Texts; A toolkit for students of English. Routledge. (249 pages)

●     Mooney, A. (et al.) 2011. The Language, Society and Power Reader. 2011. London: Routledge. (378 pages)

●     Fairclough, N. 2015. Language and Power (3rd edition). London: Routledge. (226 pages)

The course also uses supplementary material provided by the teacher. (ca 150 pages)

British Literature / Brittisk litteratur

●     Brontë, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. NB! 4th Norton Critical Edition. (440 pages)

●     Norton Anthology of English Literature: The Major Authors, 9th ed. Ed. Stephen Greenblatt et al, 2013. ISBN10:0393919633; ISBN13:9780393919639. Selection of about 350 pages, including:


●     Blake, William. Selected poems.

●     Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness

●     Joyce, James. ‘The Dead’.

●     Milton, John. Areopagitica

●     Milton, John. Paradise Lost (Book I)

●     Shakespeare, William. Othello

●     Shelley, P.B. Selected poems.

●     Stevenson, Robert Louis. The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

●     Wollstonecraft, Mary. Selection from A Vindication of the Rights of Woman.

●     Woolf, Virginia. ‘The Mark on the Wall’, ‘Modern Fiction’.

●     Wordsworth, William. Selected poems.

Additional reading (not exceeding 50 pages) may be assigned by the instructor.