
Kreativt skrivande och den reflekterande essän, 7.5 högskolepoäng

Giltig fr.o.m.: VT2021
Giltig t.o.m.: VT2021
Beslutsdatum: 2020-11-26
Beslutad av: Program- och ämnesråd för svenska

Edberg, Helene (2018). Creative Writing For Critical Thinking: Creating A Discoursal Identity. Cham: Springer International Publishing

Montaigne, Michel Eyquem De (2003). Complete works - essays, travel journal, letters. Everymans Library

Smith, Patti (2010). Just Kids. London: Bloomsbury Publishing

Sontag, Susan (1990). Against interpretation, and other essays. 1. Anchor Book ed. New York: Anchor Books. "Against interpretation" (Handout)

Stein, Gertrude (2003). Three lives & tender buttons. New York: Signet Classic, "Introduction" (Handout

Thoreau, Henry David (1995). Walden, or, Life in the woods. New York: Dover Publications

Including other works, chosen in cooperation with the teacher.