
Genus och sexualitet i det moderna Sverige - ett historiskt perspektiv, 7.5 högskolepoäng

Giltig fr.o.m.: VT2021
Giltig t.o.m.: HT2021
Beslutsdatum: 2020-11-19
Beslutad av: Ämnesrådet i historia

Bergqvist, Christina, Bjarnegård, E., Zetterberg, P., “Analyzing Failure, Understanding Success: A Research Strategy for Explaining Gender Equality Policy Adoption”, NORA - Nordic journal of feminist and gender research Vol. 21:4, (2013) p. 280-295.

Florin, Christina & Nilsson, Bengt, “Something in the nature of a bloodless revolution ..." How new gender relations became gender equality policy in Sweden in the nineteen-sixties and seventies”, in Rolf Torstendahl (ed.), State policy and gender system in the two German states and Sweden 1945-1989 (Uppsala: Historiska institutionen, Uppsala universitet, 1999) p. 11-77 (67 p.).

Hirdman, Anja. “Male Norms and Female Forms: the Visual Representation of Men and Women in Press Images in 1925, 1955 and 1987.” NORDICOM Review, 1 (1998): 225-254.

Hirdman, Yvonne, “State Policy and Gender Contracts: the Swedish Experience,” in Women, Work and the Family in Europe, edited by Eileen Drew, Ruth Emerek & Evelyn Mahon (Routledge 1998) p. 36-46.

Klinth, Roger, “The Best of Both Worlds? Fatherhood and Gender Equality in Swedish Paternity Leave Campaigns, 1976-2006”, Fathering vol. 6:1 (2008) p. 20-38.

Lewis, Jane, “Gender and the development of welfare regimes”, Journal of European Social Policy (1992) 3, p. 159-173.

Lundqvist, Åsa, Family Policy Paradoxes: Gender Equality and Labour Market Regulation in Sweden, 1930-2010 (The Policy Press, 2011) 168 p.

Lundquist, Åsa & Roman, Christine, “Construction(s) of Swedish Family Policy, 1930-2000.” Journal of Family History 33, 2 (2008) p. 216-236.

Marklund, Carl, “Hot Love and Cold People.” NORDEUROPA forum, 19 (1) 2009

Mann, William Edward. “Sexual Standards and Trends in Sweden.” The Journal of Sex Research, vol. 3, no. 3 (1967) p. 191-200.

Mattsson, Katarina & Pettersson, “Katarina, Crowning Miss Sweden: National constructions of white femininity”, NORA – Nordic journal of feminist and gender research (2007) vol. 15:4.

Rydström, Jens, ”Legalizing Love in a Cold Climate: The History, Consequences and Recent Developments of Registered Partnership in Scandinavia”, Sexualities, vol. 11:1-2, p. 193-226.

Rydström, Jens, Odd couples: a history of gay marriage in Scandinavia (Amsterdam University Press 2011) 246 p.

Sainsbury, Diane. “Gender and the Making of Welfare States: Norway and Sweden.” Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society, vol. 8, no. 1 (2001) p. 113-143.

Sparrman, Anna. “Film as a Political and Educational Device: Talk about Men, Male Sexuality and Gender among Swedish Youth.” Visual Studies, vol.21, no.2 (2006) p. 167-182.

Spektorowski, Alberto, and Mizrachi, Elisabet. “Eugenics and the Welfare State in Sweden: The Politics of Social Margins and the Idea of a Productive Society.” Journal of Contemporary History, vol. 39:3 (2004) p. 333-352.

Stormhoj, Christel, “Queering the family. Critical reflections on state regulated heteronormativity in the Scandinvian countries”, Lambda Nordica 3-4:8 (2002) p. 38-56.

Svanström Yvonne, “Through the Prism of Prostitution: Conceptions of Women and Sexuality in Sweden at Two Fins‐de‐Siècle”, NORA: Nordic Journal Of Women's Studies (April 2005) vol. 13:1, p. 48-58.

Towns, Ann, ”Paradoxes of (In)Equality: Something is Rotten in the Gender Equal State of Sweden”, Cooperation and conflict vol 37:2 (2002) p. 157-179. (23 p.)

In addition, also source materials and short articles