
HÄllbarhet och ansvar i pedagogisk verksamhet , 7.5 högskolepoÀng

Giltig fr.o.m.: HT2021
Giltig t.o.m.: VT2022
Beslutsdatum: 2021-04-21
Beslutad av: ÄmnesrĂ„det i Pedagogik

Ahrne, Göran & Svensson, Peter (2015). Handbok i kvalitativa metoder. 2., [utök. och aktualiserade] uppl. Stockholm: Liber (275 sid) (valda delar) Ca 10 sidor

Björneloo, Inger (2007). Innebörder av hĂ„llbar utveckling En studie av lĂ€rares utsagor om undervisning. Diss. Göteborgs Universitet. 50 sidor

Caiman, C. & Halvars, B. (2020). Undervisning och lĂ€rande för hĂ„llbar utveckling i förskolan. I G. ÅsĂ©n (red.) Vad sĂ€ger forskningen om svensk förskola? (pp.176 – 201). Stockholm: Liber.

Downing-Wilson, D., Lecusay, R., & Cole, M. (2011). Design experimentation and mutual appropriation: Two strategies for university/community collaborative after-school interventions. Theory & Psychology, 21(5), 656-680. (24 sidor)

Fanelli, D. (2012). The Black, the White and the Grey Areas: Towards an International and Interdisciplinary Definition of Scientific Misconduct. I Mayer, T. & Steneck, N. (red.) (2012). Promoting Research Integrity in a Global Environment. New Jersey: World Scientific, s. 77-87. (11s.)

Fejes, A., & Thornberg, R. (red) (2015). Handbok i kvalitativ analys. Lund: Studentlitteratur. Valda delar, ca 20 s

Hajisoteriou, C & Angelides , P. (2019). Efficiency versus social justice? Teachers’ roles in the epoch of globalisation. Education Citizenship and Social Justice, 15(1) DOI: 10.1177/1746197919852564 (20 s.)

Hentschel, L. & Ferm Almqvist, C. (2021). Equality and sustainable development in Swedish music classrooms. In Valde Onsrud, S., Lunde Vestad, I. & Blix, H. (2021). (Eds.). Gender research in Scandinavian Music Education. Springer. (In press). 20 sidor

Jonsson, G., Sarri, C., & Alerby E. (2012). ”Too hot for the Reindeer” – voicing Sami children’s visions of the future. Geographic Environmetnal Education, 2(2), 95-107.

Langmann, E. & MÄnsson, N. (2016). Att vÀnda blicken mot sig sjÀlv. En problematisering av den normkritiska pedagogiken. Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige, s. 79-100

Lecusay, R., Mrak, L., & Nilsson, M. (Submitted) Themed-Project Work and the Mediation of Communities of Learners in Swedish Preschools: Implications for the integration of the Sustainable Development Goals in Early Childhood Education. (18 s)

MĂ„nsson, N. (2018). Refugees, statelessness, and education. I Smeyers, P. (red.). International Handbook of Philosophy of Education. Dordrecht: Springer International Publishing, s 787-800

VetenskapsrÄdet (2017). God forskningssed. Stockholm: VetenskapsrÄdet 10 sidor

Ärlemalm-HagsĂ©r, E. (2014). Participation as ‘Taking Part In’: Education for Sustainability in Swedish Preschools. Global Studies of Childhood, 4(2), 101–114.

Ärlemalm-HagsĂ©r, E., & Davis, J. (2014). Examining the Rhetoric: A Comparison of How Sustainability and Young Children’s Participation and Agency are Framed in Australian and Swedish Early Childhood Education Curricula. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 15(3), 231–244.

Öhman, Johan (2008): Environmental ethics and democratic responsibility – A pluralistic approach to ESD. In Johan Öhman (ed.) Values and Democracy in Education for Sustainable Development: Contributions from Swedish Research: Environmental Ethics and Responsibility, pp 17–32. Malmö: Liber.

Östman, Leif; Öhman, Johan; Poeck, Katrien Van (2019) Sustainable Development Teaching: Ethical and Political Challenges. Routledge (264 s)

Visar Agenda 2030, hÄllbar utveckling och jÀmlikhet i hÀlsa | Socialmedicinsk tidskrift

Prop.2019/20:188. Sveriges genomförande av Agenda 2030.

Microsoft Word - Prop 2019_20_188 Sveriges genomförande av Agenda 2030 (

Shaping the education of tomorrow: 2012 full length report on the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development; 2012 (

Agenda 2030 - handlingsplan (


Relevanta policy- och styrdokument för den egna verksamheten

Skolverkets pedagogiska material

Avhandlingar och artiklar kan tillkomma i samrÄd med lÀraren.



Wals, A.E.J (2012) Shaping the Education for Tomorrow. Full-length Report on the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. UNESCO Education Sector., 2012

Grindheim, L. T., Bakken, Y., Hauge, K. H., & Heggen, M. P. (2019). Early Childhood Education for Sustainability Through Contradicting and Overlapping Dimensions. ECNU Review of Education, 2(4), 374–395

Helgesson, G & Eriksson, S (2014). Plagiarism in Research. Med Heath Care Philos 18, 91-101.

Vetenskap, kunskap och praxis av Magdalene Thomassen Gleerups 2015)


Hyldgaard, Kirsten (2008). Vetenskapsteori: en grundbok till de pedagogiska Àmnena. 1. uppl. Stockholm: Liber (272 s.). (Finns det nÄgon bÀttre!?)


Kristensson-Uggla En strÀvan efter sanning, vetenskapens teori och praktik.