English translation of course syllabus

Bridging Science and Societal Needs, 4.5 credits

(Integrering av vetenskap och samhälleliga behov, 4,5 högskolepoäng)

Course code 410006D
Discipline for doctoral studies Other subjects
Academic school School of Historical and Contemporary Studies
Research area for doctoral studies Historical Studies
Grading scale G
Education cycle Doctoral studentship
Language of instruction English
Valid from Second half-year 2023


This course syllabus was validated by the Committee for Research and Doctoral Education at Södertörn University on 2023-03-21 according to the stipulations in the Higher Education Ordinance

Entry requirements

Admitted to doctoral studentship

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the doctoral student is able to:

  • demonstrate in-depth insights into how design thinking can be used to explore the possibilities and limitations of science, as well as its role in society and the human responsibility for its use (Module 1)
  • identify relevant questions within a complex problem area and use design thinking as a tool to address societal challenges through interdisciplinary collaboration (Module 2)
  • demonstrate a critical, independent, creative and scientific rigour to identify and formulate questions, plan tasks within given time frames and to assess such work (Module 3)
  • demonstrate the ability to utilise design thinking methods to identify needs for deeper knowledge (Module 3)
  • demonstrate the ability to contribute to societal development through research and education, and in other professional contexts (Module 3).

Course content, modules and examinations

On completing the course, the student should have the knowledge and skills to make research relevant in a societal context, and to apply their expertise in an interdisciplinary collaboration. The course explores how design thinking van be used for needs-driven development work and innovation in the surrounding society and the academic environment.

The course contains the following three modules:

Module 1: Introduction to design thinking (0.5 credits): An orientation to design thinking theory and process methodology.

Module 2: Practical application of design thinking in improvement work (0.5 credits): Experience-based learning in groups, where students work with generically worded societal challenges with design thinking processes.

Module 3: Design thinking and innovation within research (3.5 credits): The module focuses on design thinking in relation to the student's research studies. The student identifies how design thinking can be used to increase the quality and societal relevance of their research..

Course design

The course utilises a problem-oriented teaching and collaborative learning style, where students are enabled to take active responsibility for their learning. In general, the working methods are lectures, workshops, projects and individual tasks.

Examination format

  • Active participation and in seminars and workshops
  • An individual written assignment

Compulsory elements: Each student must participate in compulsory group work and oral presentations, and provide feedback on at least one other student's hand-in assignment. Absence from compulsory elements may be compensated for through supplementary hand-in assignments.

The grading criteria are distributed prior to the start of a course or module.

If a student has a certificate from Södertörn University for compensatory support, the examiner has the right to decide on an adapted examination or alternative form of examination in accordance with Södertörn University's regulations.

Restrictions on accreditation

The course may not be accredited as part of a degree if the contents are partly or wholly the same as a course previously taken in Sweden or elsewhere.