Digital Feminist Theory, 7.5 credits
(Digital feministisk teori, 7,5 högskolepoäng)
Course code | 420005D |
Discipline for doctoral studies | Gender Studies |
Academic school | School of Culture and Education |
Research area for doctoral studies | Critical and Cultural Theory |
Grading scale | G |
Education cycle | Doctoral studentship |
Language of instruction | English |
Valid from | First half-year 2024 |
This course syllabus was validated by the Committee for Research and Doctoral Education at Södertörn University on 2023-11-21 according to the stipulations in the Higher Education Ordinance
Entry requirements
Admitted to doctoral studentship
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, the doctoral student is able to:
- autonomously and critically analyse and understand advanced feminist theories of digital cultures, practices and phenomena;
- critically compare and evaluate different feminist theoretical perspectives on digital media and technologies; and
- in an in-depth manner, both orally and in writing, relate feminist theories of digital media and technologies to their own doctoral projects.
Course content, modules and examinations
Based on an intersectional feminist perspective that includes gender, sexuality, race and class, the course presents key feminist theories and concepts for the study of digital cultures, practices and phenomena. The course aims to provide participants with an advanced introduction to some of the most central debates at the intersection of feminist theory and digital media and technologies, as well as theoretical tools to develop their own doctoral projects.
Course design
The course consists of lectures and seminars.
Examination format
The course is examined through active participation at the seminars and submission of a final written paper. Individual missed seminars are compensated for with written assignments.
The grading criteria are distributed prior to the start of a course or module.
If a student has a certificate from Södertörn University for compensatory support, the examiner has the right to decide on an adapted examination or alternative form of examination in accordance with Södertörn University's regulations.
Restrictions on accreditation
The course may not be accredited as part of a degree if the contents are partly or wholly the same as a course previously taken in Sweden or elsewhere.