English translation of course syllabus

Environmental Risks: Assessment and Management, 7.5 credits

(Miljörisker, bedömning och hantering, 7,5 högskolepoäng)

Course code MJ011A
Subject area Environmental Science
Main field of study Environmental Science
Progressive specialisation A1N (Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements)
Academic school School of Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies
Disciplary domain Natural sciences 50%
Social sciences 50%
Grading scale AF
Education cycle Second-cycle (Master)
Language of instruction English
Valid from Autumn semester 2024


This course syllabus was validated by the Management Board of the School of Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies at Södertörn University on 2023-02-01 according to the stipulations in the Higher Education Ordinance.

Entry requirements

The equivalent of English 6 and a Bachelor's degree natural science, social sciences or humanities including a minimum of 90 credits relevant for the environment, sustainability or global development.

Learning outcomes

On completing the course, the student can:

  • explain the multifaceted and interdisciplinary nature of environmental risk assessment and management
  • analyse the different roles played by risk assessment, risk evaluation, risk management and risk governance, as well as describe the relationships between these concepts
  • assess similarities and differences in risk assessment and risk management in different environmental areas
  • analyse the implications of environmental risks' complexity, uncertainty and socio-political ambiguity for their assessment and management
  • motivate and specify the need for integration between social science and natural science-based approaches.

Course content, modules and examinations

During the course, risk assessment and risk management linked to environmental risks is analysed and reviewed by studying the underlying theories, strategies and methods. Moreover, interactions between institutions that perform risk assessments and those that work in risk management and governance are studied. Finally, similarities and differences among various environmental areas are explored through case studies and comparisons between specific environmental areas, such as climate change and chemical pollution.

1001, Environmental Risks: Assessment and Management, 7.5 credits
(Miljörisker, bedömning och hantering, 7,5 högskolepoäng)
Grades permitted: AF

Course design

The course includes lectures, presentations of case studies and seminars. Students conduct a supervised project in which the assessment and management of a specific environmental risk is analysed and compared with other environmental risks. Work on the project is linked, as much as possible, to ongoing research projects.

Examination format

Examination consists of:

  • Individual written project report
  • Oral presentations
  • Peer review of another student’s project report
  • Seminar participation

A project report that fails the examination at the end of the course may be revised and resubmitted a maximum of two times, according to instructions provided by the examiner. If, after these revisions, the project report still does not pass, the student must write a new project report.

Absence from more than 50% of the seminars may, after consultation with the examiner, be compensated for through written hand-in assignments. However, this does not apply to the project presentation seminar, in which the student must participate. Compensatory assignments must be submitted within one year of the end of the course.

The grading criteria are distributed prior to the start of a course or module.

If a student has a certificate from Södertörn University for compensatory support, the examiner has the right to decide on an adapted examination or alternative form of examination in accordance with Södertörn University's regulations.

Restrictions on accreditation

The course may not be accredited as part of a degree if the contents are partly or wholly the same as a course previously taken in Sweden or elsewhere.