English translation of programme syllabus

Master's Programme in Media, Communication and Cultural Analysis, 120 credits

(Masterprogram i medier, kommunikation och kulturanalys, 120 högskolepoäng)

Programme code P4211
Academic school School of Culture and Education
Education cycle Second cycle
Language of instruction English
Valid from Autumn semester 2024


This programme syllabus was validated by the Faculty Board at Södertörn University on 2014-02-21 according to the stipulations in the Higher Education Ordinance. This programme syllabus was revised by the Faculty Board at Södertörn University on 2023-08-30.

Entry requirements

Bachelor's degree including 90 credits in Media and Communication Studies as the main field of study, and English 6 or equivalent.

Programme outcomes

Knowledge and understanding

On completion of the programme, the student is able to

  • demonstrate extensive insight into the central traditions of media theory, based on the reading of canonical texts; and demonstrate extensive knowledge of contemporary themes within Media and Communication Studies, based on familiarity with current research,
  • demonstrate extensive knowledge of the role of the media for social institutions, lived cultures and forms of representation,
  • review recent research about a chosen subject of study within Media and Communication Studies,
  • complete and publicly present an independent research project within the field of Media and Communication Studies.

Competence and skills

On completion of the programme, the student is able to

  • formulate an independent, Master's research project, with an aim, theory and method that is clearly related to the field of Media and Communication Studies; and a mode of analysis that demonstrates a clear connection between theory, method and empirical data,
  • present the results of a research project in the form of an independent academic thesis, defend the results of a research project, and critically analyse the work of other students in an academic seminar,
  • demonstrate a practical familiarity with the different technologies used in contemporary media production.

Judgement and approach

On completion of the programme, the student is able to

  • demonstrate a reflective, self-critical approach to the possibilities and limitations of Media and Communication Studies,
  • understand how Media Studies may be applied to the understanding of the development of culture and society, and how to make relevant connections between various aspects of media and communication in their social and cultural settings (ethical, legal, political, aesthetic, ideological etc.),
  • independently contribute to an advanced academic discussion; and to relate academic issues in the study of media and communication to a multidisciplinary setting,
  • demonstrate a reflective awareness of the developments in communication technologies, founded in theory and practice.


The programme is designed to provide students with comprehensive knowledge about the theory and practice of the media, and acquire skills in problem solving, advanced analysis, and project completion that prepare them for a broad range of professional careers in the media sector. The programme is also designed to prepare students for doctoral studies within the field of media and communication, nationally and internationally.


Title of qualification:

Degree of Master of Arts (120 credits) in Media and Communication Studies

Filosofie masterexamen med huvudområdet medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap

Qualification stipulation:

The degree of Master of Arts (Two Years) is awarded on completion to a student who has passed courses equivalent to 120 credits with a degree of specialisation. At least 60 credits must be awarded for in-depth courses in the main field of studies, including a minimum of 30 credits for an independent project. A project of 15 credits is permissible if a Master’s project of 15 credits has previously been completed. A student must previously have been awarded a Bachelor's Degree equivalent to 180 credits, or have an equivalent qualification from abroad.

Programme design

The overriding aim of the programme is to provide students with advanced knowledge about contemporary and historical media theory, as well as the ability to conduct and present independent research. As part of the programme, students take part in a multidisciplinary seminar and are introduced to current media technology and production processes. The programme is two years in length. During the first year, students study the theories and methods of media and communication. During the second year, students complete an independent research project.

Compulsory courses

  • Canonical Texts in Media Theory, 7.5 credits
  • Media and Culture Industries, 7.5 credits
  • Media and Everyday Life, 7.5 credits
  • Media and Representation, 7.5 credits
  • Digital Media Technologies: Production and Literacy, 15 credits
  • Mediatization and Datafication of Society, 7.5 credits
  • Strategies of Media Research, 7.5 credits
  • Methods in Critical Media and Communication studies, 7.5 credits
  • Media and Communication Studies: Master's Dissertation, 30 credits

A student on a study programme is guaranteed a place on the compulsory courses or on the specializations/courses within the programme. (For entry requirements, see, Other Stipulations.)

Optional courses

  • Elective Course/s (Master's Level, 22.5 credits)

22.5 credits consists of elective courses. These courses are taken at either Södertörn University or elsewhere in Sweden or abroad, after approval from the programme coordinator. The aim of the elective semester is to give students the opportunity to focus on a subject closely related to their upcoming Master's dissertation. It is also possible to take an individual, specialised course offered by the department or the supervisor.

A student is guaranteed a place on a range of courses equivalent to a full workload. There is no guarantee that a student is offered a place on his/her first choice of course. For entry requirements, see course syllabus.

Degree project

Media and Communication Studies: Master's Dissertation, 30 credits

Credit transfer for prior studies

A student has the right to have prior learning assessed for accreditation within the study programme.

Other stipulations

Revision of the programme syllabus 2023-08-30 concerns the correction of the course name of a prerequisite upper secondary school course, from English B to English 6, in the entry requirements. The revision has been carried out by University administration according to decision on correction of entry requirements regarding language skills acquired in upper secondary school (dnr 2906-2.1.1-2023).

For entry requirements for courses within a study programme, see course syllabus.