Liudmila Gapeyeva-Yukce

Liudmila Gapeyeva-Yukce

Doctoral Student

I am a PhD student specializing in entrepreneurial well-being. My focus areas are communal stress coping, start-up teams, inner resources management, migrant entrepreneurs.

Social Sciences


Gapeyeva-Yukce, L. (2022). Shared stress in start-ups. Insights from a longitudinal study implementing Experience Sampling Methodology in start-up teams. Presentation at Qualmet Symposium 2022 (October, 13 – 14), Halle (Salle), Germany.

Gapeyeva-Yukce, L., Saukkonen, J., Kautto, H. (2022). Shared Stressors and Stress Coping Strategies in Start-up Teams. Paper presented at and published in the proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ECIE22), Pafos, Cyprus (September, 15-16).

Gapeyeva-Yukce, L. (2021). Longitudinal approach in qualitative studies of entrepreneurial processes: types, advantages, challenges, lessons learned. Paper presented at Qualmet Symposium 2021 (September, 23 – 24), Hall in Tirol, Austria.

Gapeyeva-Yukce, L. (2019). Grit tools for Entrepreneurial Teams in the Conditions of Transition Economy. Case of IT Sector in Belarus. Paper presented at the Doctoral Colloquium of the 19th EURAM Conference (June, 24 – 25), Lisbon, Portugal.

Gapeyeva-Yukce, L. (2019). Entrepreneurial Grit Tools for Teams. Case of IT Sector in Belarus. Poster presented at the 14th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ECIE19), Kalamata, Greece (September, 19-20).

Gapeyeva-Yukce, L. (2019). Grit Tools for Entrepreneurial Teams in the Conditions of Transition Economy. Case of IT Sector in Belarus. Work-in-progress paper published in the proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ECIE19), Kalamata, Greece (September, 19-20).

Gapeyeva-Yukce, L. (2019). Grit Tools for Entrepreneurial Teams in the Conditions of Transition Economy. Case of IT Sector in Belarus. Poster contribution at the 5th Innovation Day transHAL 2019 (May, 28) in Halle (Salle), Germany.

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The researcher is not participating in any projects at this moment.

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