
Södertörn University is now part of the KreativEU European University

The alliance will build long-term institutional and strategic cooperation between eleven European universities.

The vice-chancellor and the university uphold academic freedom

Academic freedom is vital if higher education institutions are to conduct independent research and education.


09 Dec

Searching for the "Red Orient": Central Asia, Photography, and the Idea of a Soviet Orientalism

CBEES Advanced Seminar with Helena Holzberger, Assistant Professor at the Chair of Russian and Asian Studies at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.

10 Dec

Workshop: Children’s Rights and Sustainable Practices

The workshop aims to bring together professionals and academics in the field of children’s rights in the Nordic and Baltic and Eastern European Region, to discuss and identify areas for improving practical knowledge and sustainable practices of children’s rights.

11 Dec

Film screening and discussion: 900 Days

Is it better to acknowledge the almost unpalatable truth, or to embrace the comfort of a myth? Join the event at Zita Folkets Bio and discuss with filmmaker Jessica Gorter!

15 Jan

State Propaganda and Pro-war Consensus in Russia

The Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES) is announcing a call for contributions to a workshop that delves into the role of state propaganda in crafting pro-war consensus in Russia.

06 Feb

The digital backlash in education – critical and postdigital perspectives

Symposium with Sarah Hayes, Petar Jandrić, Felicitas Macgilchrist and Neil Selwyn

04 Apr

Animals and the Age of Empires: Local Histories and Global Trends

Save-the-date! Explore the intertwined history of human-animal relations during the international conference that shifts the focus onto the regions and countries once ruled by the Romanovs, Habsburgs and Ottomans.

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