Alireza Behtoui
Alireza Behtoui’s research broadly concerns the generation and consequences of inequality, and has mainly been focused on class reproduction, educational choice and ethnic inequality. He has a particular interest in the impact of social capital on the stratification process in the fields like education, transition from school to work and labour market, contextual and organizational effects on inequality and peer effects.
How can schools reduce inequalities in educational opportunities?
Reducing Early School Leaving in the EU: A Comparative Qualitative and Quantitative Research (
The impact of civil society organisations on the educational achievements of young people in Stockholm and St. Petersburg
Peer reviewed articles
Behtoui, A., & Strömberg, I. (2020). Compensatory school effects and social capital. Social Sciences, 9(11), 193.
Behtoui, A., Boréus, K., Neergaard, A., & Yazdanpanah, S. (2020). Why are care workers from the global south disadvantaged? Inequality and discrimination in Swedish elderly care work. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 43(16), 155-174.
Nygård, O., & Behtoui, A. (2020). Access to Social Capital and Educational Returns for Children of Immigrants: Evidence from Three Swedish Studies. Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 10(2), 50-66.
Behtoui, A. (2019). Swedish young people’s after-school extra-curricular activities: attendance, opportunities and consequences. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 40(3), 340-356.
Behtoui, A., & Leivestad, H. H. (2019). The “stranger” among Swedish “homo academicus”. Higher Education, 77(2), 213-228.
Behtoui, A. (2018). "Ethnic hierarchies and (non) representation. Party candidates with migration background in the general election of 2014." Sociologisk Forskning, 55(2-3), 317-339.
Behtoui, A., Boréus, K., Neergaard, A., and Yazdanpanah, S. (2017). "Speaking up, leaving or keeping silent: racialized employees in the Swedish elderly care sector." Work, employment and society, 31(6), 954-971.
Behtoui, A. (2017). "Främlingen" bland svensk" Homo Academicus." Sociologisk forskning, 54(1), 91-110.
Behtoui, A. (2017). "Social capital and the educational expectations of young people." European Educational Research Journal, 16(4), 487-503.
Behtoui A, and Neergaard A. (2016), Social capital and the educational achievement of young people in Sweden. British Journal of Sociology of Education 37(7):947-969.
Behtoui, A. (2016). "Beyond social ties: The impact of social capital on labour market outcomes for young Swedish people." Journal of Sociology, 52(4), 711-724.
Behtoui, Alireza (2013), "The Ethnic Penalty: Immigration, Education and the Labour Market". Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36, 915-929. (book reiveiw)
Behtoui, Alireza (2013), "Social Capital and Stratification of Young People". Social Inclusion, 1, 46–58.
Behtoui, Alireza and Erik Olsson (2013), "The Performance of Early Age Migrants in Education and the Labour Market: a Comparison of Bosnia Herzegovinians, Chileans and Somalis in Sweden". Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2013, pp. 1-18,
Behtoui, Alireza (2012), "Incorporation of children of immigrants: the case of descendants of immigrants from Turkey in Sweden". Ethnic and Racial Studies. DOI:10.1080/01419870.2012.696667
Behtoui, Alireza & Anders Neergaard (2012). “Social Capital, Status and Income Attainment in the Workplace”. International journal of Sociology and Social Policy, Volume 32 issue 1/2, pp. 42-55.
Behtoui, A. & Neergaard, A. (2010). “Social capital and wage differentials between immigrants and natives”. Work, Employment and Society, 24 (4):761-779.
Behtoui, Alireza (2010). “Marriage Patterns of Immigrants in Sweden”. Journal of Comparative Family Studies,41 (3):415-435.
Behtoui, Alireza & Anders Neergaard (2009). “Perception of discrimination in recruitment and place of work”.Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 7(4, December):374-369.
Behtoui, Alireza (2008). “Informal Recruitment Methods and Disadvantages of Immigrants in the Swedish Labour Market”. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies,34(3, April):411-430.
Behtoui, Alireza (2007). “The Distribution and Return of Social Captial: Evidens från Sweden”. European Societies, 9:383-407.
Behtoui, Alireza (2004) “Differences in the Swedish Labour Market for Young People and the Impact of Ethnicity”.Labour, Vol. 18:633-60.
Book chapters
Behtoui, A., Björklöf, M., and Strömberg, I. (2018). "The social relations and educational expectations of young people in marginalised areas: Evidence from Sweden", Comparative Perspectives on Early School Leaving in the European Union. Routledge, pp. 102-116.
Araújo, H. C., Macedo, E., Behtoui, A., Tomaszewska-Pękała, H., Marchlik, P., Wrona, A., and Rocha, C. (2018). "Shaping the policies towards early school leaving in Portugal, Sweden and Poland", Comparative Perspectives on Early School Leaving in the European Union. Routledge, pp. 47-60.
Behtoui, A., and Neergaard, A. (2017). "Arbetslivet, etnicitet och "dom andra"", in M. Bengtsson and T. Berglund, (eds.), Arbetslivet. Lund: Studnentlitteratur, pp. 373-400.
Westin, Charles, Alireza Behtoui, Constanza Vera Larrucea, Ali Osman (2015). "Introduction". In The Integration of Descendants of Migrants from Turkey in Stockholm. The TIES Study in Sweden, Charles Westin (ed.), Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 11-24.
Behtoui, Alireza (2015). "Educational achievement". In The Integration of Descendants of Migrants from Turkey in Stockholm. The TIES Study in Sweden, Charles Westin (ed.), Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 43-56.
Behtoui, Alireza (2015). "Social capital". In The Integration of Descendants of Migrants from Turkey in Stockholm. The TIES Study in Sweden, Charles Westin (ed.), Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 57-68.
Behtoui, Alireza (2015). "Perceptions of discrimination". In The Integration of Descendants of Migrants from Turkey in Stockholm. The TIES Study in Sweden, Charles Westin (ed.), Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 69-78.
Behtoui, Alireza (2015). "Conclusions ". In The Integration of Descendants of Migrants from Turkey in Stockholm. The TIES Study in Sweden, Charles Westin (ed.), Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 125-133.
Alireza Behtoui, Olav Nygård and Anders Neergaard (2014). “Ungdomar, socialt kapital och stratifiering”. I Utbildning, arbete, medborgarskap, Boréa Bokförlag, s. 233-260.
Stefan Jonsson and Alireza Behtoui (2014). “Racism”. In International Migration and Ethnic Relations: critical Perspectives, Routledge, s. 139-168.
Behtoui, Alireza & Stefan Jonsson (2013). “Racism” in Migrationens Och Etnicitetens Epok, – Kritiska Perspektiv I Etnicitets- Och Migrationsstudier, Dahlstedt och Neergarard (red.). Malmö, Liber, s. 168-198.
Behtoui, Alireza (2009b). “Social capital and Stigmatised Immigrants”.In European Perspectives on Exclusion and Subordination The Political Economy of MigrationA.Neergaard (red.). Maaschtrict: Shaker. pp. 232-237.
Behtoui, Alireza (2007). ”Segregerade nätverk: Vägen från skola till arbete”. I Utbildning, arbete, medborgarskap, M. Dahlstedt (red.). Boréa:Umeå. pp. 241-266.
Behtoui, Alireza (2006). Om de hade föräldrar födda på "rätt plats", om ungdomar med utländsk bakgrund i det svenska utbildningssystemet och på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Norrköping: Integrationsverket.
Behtoui, Alireza (2006). ”Nätverksrekrytering, infödda och invandrare”. I På tröskeln till lönearbete, A. Neergaard (ed.). Fritze: Stockholm. pp. 137-156.
Behtoui, Alireza (2006). Unequal opportunities: the impact of social capital and recruitment methods on immigrants and their children in the Swedish labour market Linköping: Dept. Of Social and Welfare Studies (avhandling).
Behtoui, Alireza (2004). ”Nätverksrekrytering och diskriminering av invandrare”. I Pripp, O., Mångfald i kulturlivet. Mångkulturellt centrum, Tumba: Mångkulturellt centrum. pp. 23-28.
Behtoui, Alireza (1999). Invandrare på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. En delrapport från LO-projektet Ökad sysselsättning, ÖS., Stockholm: LO.