Charlotte Bydler
Lecturer in Art history at the School of Culture and Education, since autumn 2003.
2011: Full time position.
2011 - 2014: Research leader of the Cultural theory stream at the Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES).
2017 - 2019: "Transnational Art and Heritage Transfer and the Formation of Value: Objects, Agents, and Institutions", w. Anna Kharkina, Carl Marklund, Ilja Viktorov och Irina Sandomirskaja (lead). Funded by ÖSS
2016 - 2019: project lead "A New Region of the World? Towards a Poetics of Situatedness", w. Johanna Dahlin, Monica Hammer, Tiina Peil. Funded by ÖSS
2011 - 2016: project lead "Living Archives: Pontus Hultén at Moderna Museet and Centre George Pompidou 1957-1981", w. Andreas Gedin and Sinziana Ravini. Funded by VR
2011 - 2014: project lead "Cultural Heritage: Making history for the future", w. Katarina Wadstein MacLeod, Ulla-Karin Warberg and Lena Rydén. Funded by KK-foundation, Stockholms Auktionsverk and Södertörn University
2007 - 2009: "Art (Without) Spaces: Internet Art in Germany, Lithuania and Sweden", w. Håkan Nilsson and Dan Karlholm (project lead). Funded by ÖSS
May 2004, defended thesis at dept. of Art history, Uppsala University. The thesis (The Global Art World, Inc. On the globalization of contemporary art) analyses effects of globalisation in the contemporary art world system. Material is drawn from historical and contemporary art institutions, as well as the art biennales in Venice, Gwangju, Havana, Istanbul, and the roving European biennale Manifesta. The main argument is that if globalisation processes can be said to have changed the art world system since the 1980s, it is in terms of a capitalist labour market.
Spring 2001: guest researcher, department of art history, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
1998 - 2001: "Internet as an art medium: Globalisation and exhibition space/Internet som konstnärligt medium: globalisering och utställningsrum", w. Anna Brodow & Solfrid Söderlind (project lead), dept. of art history, Uppsala University, funded by HSFR
Publications in selection
The Global Art world, Inc.: On the globalization of contemporary art, diss., Figura Nova Series 32, Uppsala: Acta Universitas Upsaliensis, 2004.
"Markerat kroppslig. Om fysiska möten med digital konst", Eriksson Y. & Göthlund, A. (eds.), Från modernism till samtidskonst. Kvinnliga konstnärer, Lund: Signum 2003.
"Internet som konstnärligt medium: globalisering och utställningsrum. Den globaliserade konstens agenda", Göthlund & Tellgren (eds.), Bilder och Internet texter kring konstruktion och tolkning av digitala bilder, Göteborg: Visuellt, Konst- och bildvetenskapliga institutionens skriftserie nr 6, 1999.
Catalogue texts
"Svenska hjärtan, folkdräkt eller tvångströja", w. Magdalena Malm & Rodrigo Mallea Lira, Swedish Hearts/Svenska hjärtan, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, 2004.
"Möte i Marsvinsland/Encounter in Guineapigland", Carin Ellberg, Landskap, Helsingborg: Dunkers Kulturhus, 2003.
"Det skapade landet", Landskap, Uppsala konstmuseum, 2001.
"Trans//form och konstens geopolitiska estetik" / "Trans//form and the geopolitical aesthetic of art", Transform, Stockholm: Intercult, Köpenhamn: Galleri Shambala, Oslo: Artists in motion & Du store verden, 2001.
Martin Sjoberg, No title fights, Stockholm: IASPIS, 2001.
Martin Sjoberg, Rauma Art Biennale, Finland, 2001.
"Contagion. Discursively yours", Heterogénesis, special edition FA+, IX, 2000.
Related activities
2010: Curator of the exhibition Suspended Time: Charlotte von Poehl, Fullersta Gård, Huddinge.
2004: Co-curator w. Magdalena Malm & Rodrigo Mallea Lira of Swedish Hearts/Svenska hjärtan, Moderna Museet.
1996: Assistant curator of Interzones (w. Deborah Thompson & Octavio Zaya), at Uppsala Museum of Art.
2015: Board member, ABF Cultural grants for worker visual arts and literature
2009 - 2012: Board member, Nordic Committee for Art History
2002 - 2010: Board member, Stiftelsen Anna-Lisa Thomson till Minne, grants foundation for women art school graduates.
Freelance writer for e.g. Art and Text (Australien/USA), Art Orbit, Heterogénesis, Hjärnstorm, Konstperspektiv, NU: The Nordic Art Review, Paletten and daily papers Dala-Demokraten, Upsala Nya Tidning, and Aftonbladet (1998-2001).