Daniel Bodén

Daniel Bodén


Senior Lecturer

Senior Lecturer and subject coordinator for the discipline of ethnology. Research concerns the intersection between technology, culture and social change.

+46 8 608 43 04 +4686084304

Historical and Contemporary Studies


Daniel Bodén is a Senior Lecturer and subject coordinator for the discipline of ethnology. His research concerns the intersection between technology, culture and social change, with a specific focus on the everyday aspects of work, transnational economic processes and social class. His research covers contemporary ethnographic studies of workplace dynamics in advanced capitalism as well as historical ethnographies of work and social organization in pre-capitalist contexts.

Recent publications have covered the impacts of automated forklifts and AGV:s on work in warehouse settings, impacts of automation and digitalization in administrative work settings, the archival collection of online memories, robots and cultural visions of a future without work. He is currently looking deeper into virtual factories and new forms of “putting out” systems used within the software development industry in the European periphery.

DiVA (Digitala Vetenskapliga Arkivet) is Södertörn University's system for digital publishing and for registering publications produced by researchers, teachers and students.


The researcher is not participating in any projects at this moment.