Elisabet Langmann

Elisabet Langmann

Associate Professor

Head of Department

Senior Lecturer

+46 8 608 50 43 +4686085043

Teacher Education


Elisabet Langmann is Associate Professor in Education. Placing educational practice and ethical and existential issues at the centre of her work, her research is situated within the field of philosophy and theory of education and is methodologically characterized by an interaction between classroom-based studies and educational-philosophical analyses. Theoretically, her research is informed primarily by contemporary continental philosophy, feminist theory, and general pedagogy.

Langmann is currently conducting research within two projects funded by the Swedish Research Council. The first project, Forms of Formation (2020-2023), explores the role of the body and the senses in the pedagogical task of handling value conflicts and in addressing difficult ethical and existential issues in the classroom. The second project, How can the school reduce unequal educational opportunities? (2020-2023), studies the importance of school culture and school composition for students' academic success and well-being in socio-economically disadvantaged areas.

Langmann has previously conducted the research project Lived Values financed by the Swedish Research Council (2015-2019). The aim of the project was to develop an educational language and a didactical thinking about the fostering task of teachers for the field of ethics and values education. Langmann has also been involved in the Swedish strand of The Enquiring Classroom, a Strategic Partnership Program funded by the Council of Europe (ERASMUS +). The purpose of this project was to develop pedagogical tools for teachers and students in Europe working with values and ethics drawing on philosophical and arts based methodologies.

Langmann is currently part of two international research networks. The Public Pedagogy and Sustainability Challenges network (financed by the Research Foundation Flanders 2015-2017) involves researchers from universities in Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Poland, and South Africa. The aim of the network is to deepen our understanding of the public role of education in the face of sustainability challenges and foster interdisciplinary collaboration of political theorists, educational theorists, and sustainability education researchers. The Public role of Education in Democratic Sustainability Transitions (PEDST) network is funded by the Swedish Research Council (2020-2023) and involves researchers in education and sustainable development at Uppsala University and Södertörn University (Sweden) and Maynooth University (Ireland). Langmann is also part of the international research group SCAPE: The Studies of Culture, Conflict & the Political in Education.

Langmann is board member of the Nordic Society of Philosophy of Education, co-convenor of the philosophy of education networks at NERA (Nordic Educational Research Association) and EERA (European Educational Research Association), and part of the editorial board of Ethics and Education and Speki. Nordisk pedagogisk-filosofisk tidsskrift. She has been reviewer for academic journals such as Studies in Philosophy and Education; Journal of Curriculum Studies; Journal of Philosophy of Education; Globalisation, Societies and Education; Gender and Education; Nordic Studies in Education; Democracy & Education; British Educational Research Journal; Ethics and Education.

Langmann teaches university courses for students in education and teacher education on a variety of arias.

PUBLICATIONS (in selection)


Langmann, E. (2023). Finding one's way: a response to the idea of an education after progress. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 57(6), 1119-1126.

Langmann, E. (2021). Tolerance and education. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. Oxford University Press. doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780190264093.013.1512

Bergdahl, L. & Langmann, E. (2021). Pedagogical publics: Creating sustainable educational environments in times of climate change. European Educational Research Journal (online), ISSN 1474-9041, E-ISSN 1474-9041.

Todd, S., Hoveid, M. H. & Langmann, E. (2021). Educating the Senses: Explorations in Aesthetics, Embodiment and Sensory Pedagogy. Studies in Philosophy and Education, 40, 243–248.

Bergdahl, L. & Langmann, E. (2020). Sustaining What is Valuable: Contours of an Educational Language About Values. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 54(5), pp. 1260-1277.

Bergdahl, L. & Langmann, E. (2018). Pedagogical Postures: A Feminist Search for a geometry of the Educational Relation. Ethics and Education, 13(3), 309-328.

Langmann, E. & Säfström, C. A. (2018). Varför tar våldet aldrig slut och vad kan vi göra åt det?: en pedagogik-filosofisk analys av fenomenet mobbning. Nordic Studies of Education 38(4), 337–351.

Bergdahl, L. & Langmann, E. (2017). Time for Values: Responding Educationally to the Call from the Past. Studies in Philosophy and Education, 37(4), 367-382.

Bergdahl, L. & Langmann, E. (2017). Where Are You?: Giving Voice to the Teacher by Reclaiming the Public/Private Distinction. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 51 (2), 461-475.

Langmann, E. & Månsson, N. (2016). Att vända blicken mot sig själv. En problematisering av den normkritiska pedagogiken. Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige, 21 (1-2), 79-100.

Langmann, E. (2016). My Way to You: How to Make Room for Transformative Communication in Intercultural Education. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 50 (2), 233-245.

Langmann, E. (2011). Representational and Territorial Economies in Global Citizenship Education: Welcoming the Other at the Limit of Cosmopolitan Hospitality. [Special Issue: Global Citizenship Educaiton, ed. Vanessa Andreotti] Globalisation, Societies and Education, 9 (3-4), 399-409.

Langmann, E. (2011). Rethinking the Place of Tolerance in Education: Encountering Otherness between Acceptance and Rejection. [Special Issue: Educating the Global Village, ed. Torill Strand]. Nordic Studies in Education, 31 (2), 96-105.

Månsson, N. & Langmann, E. (2010). Facing Ambivalence in Education: A Strange(r’s) Hope? Ethics and Education, 6 (1), 15-25.

Langmann, E. (2010). Välkomna (nästan) allihopa. Mellan kategoriserade olikheter och radikal skillnad. Utbildning & Demokrati. Tidskrift för didaktik och utbildningspolitik, 19 (3), 57-71.


Langmann, E. (2024). Skolkultur i omvandling: Om att vända en negativ trend och bibehålla en hoppfull skolkultur mot alla odds. I L. Bergdahl och E. Langmann (red.) Synliggjord skolkultur: Att forma en inkluderande och hållbar skolvardag för ungdomar i socialt utsatta områden. Huddinge: Södertörns högskola, s. 39-63.

Bergdahl, L. & Langmann, E. (2024). Att synliggöra skolkultur. I L. Bergdahl och E. Langmann (red.) Synliggjord skolkultur: Att forma en inkluderande och hållbar skolvardag för ungdomar i socialt utsatta områden. Huddinge: Södertörns högskola, s. 9-17.

Bergdahl, L. & Langmann, E. (2021). Feminism within Philosophy of Education. In A History of Western Philosophy of Education, Vol. 5. In the Contemporary Landscape, (ed.) Ana Pagès (pp. 57-83), London: Bloomsbury Academic.

Langmann, E. (2020). Läraryrkets interkulturella dimensioner: en pedagogisk reflektion. I Helena Hill et al. (red) Perspektiv på interkulturalitet (s. 21-35). Huddinge: Södertörn Studies in Education.

Langmann, E. (2019). Mellan maktkritik och kunskapskriser: några utmaningar för den normkritiskt inspirerade läraren. I Lotta Björkman och Janne Bromseth (red) Normkritisk pedagogik. Perspektiv, utmaningar och möjligheter (s. 161-182). Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Langmann, E. (2017). Att skola tolerans - en undervisningskonst. I Erik Lundberg (red) Toleransens mekanismer: en antologi (s. 247-270). Stockholm: Forum för levande historia.

Langmann, E. (2013). Toleransens pedagogik. En pedagogisk-filosofisk studie av tolerans som en fråga för undervisning, PhD Diss. Örebro: Örebro University Press. (Monografi)


O’Donnell A., Kieran, P., Bergdahl, L., Cherouvis, S. & Langmann, E. (2019). The Enquiring Classroom Handbook: Values, Identity, Exploration. Lergas: ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnership Programme.

Langmann, E. (2015). Recension Claudia W. Ruitenberg: Unlocking the World. Education in an Ethic of Hospitality. Utbildning & Demokrati. Tidskrift för diddaktik och utbildningspolitik 24(3):117-119.


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The researcher is not participating in any projects at this moment.