Erik Wallrup
Associate Professor
Programme Coordinator
Senior Lecturer
My main fields of research are the history of aesthetics, the aesthetics of music, affectivity, phenomenology and hermeneutics. An earlier focus was on the concept of Stimmung (mood, attunement), and I have later developed these studies into related concepts such as atmosphere and resonance. During the latest years, I have devoted myself to the Swedish era of Gustavian culture, spanning over a broad spectrum: from music and opera to literature, architecture and gardening as well as the affectivity related to social and cultural change.
I am a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Music since 2015 (member of the board since 2023)
A selection of my publications:
Being Musically Attuned: The Act of Listening to Music, Farnham: Ashgate, 2015
Doctoral thesis
Musical Attunement: The concept and phenomenon of Stimmung in music, PhD thesis, Department of Musicology and Performance Studies, Stockholm University 2012
Academic articles, peer-reviewed, in journals/books
‘On Patheme: Affective Shifts and Gustavian Culture’, Journal of Aesthetics and Culture, forthcoming.
”Värld, tecken, affekt: Konst- och populärmusik i von Triers ’depressionstrilogi’”, in: Klassisk musik för en medialiserad värld: Föreställningar, förhandlingar och representationer av den västerländska konstmusiken i det samtida mediesamhället, red. Tobias Pontara och Åsa Bergman, Göteborg: Makadam, forthcoming.
‘An Academy of Academies: The Cultural Transfer of the ‘Academy of Music’ to Sweden’, in: The Proceedings of the Ninth Biennial Conference of the Society for Eighteenth-Century Music, ‘Global Intersections in the Music of the 18th Century’, ed. Beverly Wilcox, Steglein Publishing, forthcoming.
‘Music’s Attunement: Stimmung, Mood, Atmosphere’, in: The Oxford Handbook of the Phenomenology of Music, eds. Jonathan De Souza, Benjamin Steege, and Jessica Wiskus, Oxford University Press, forthcoming.
‘Cool Nature: Utopian Landscapes in Sweden 1780–1840’, Anna Albrektson, Mikael Ahlund, Sara Ekström, Johanna Ethnersson Pontara, Elisabeth Mansén, Vera Sundin, Meike Wagner & Erik Wallrup, Sjuttonhundratal: Nordic Yearbook for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 2022.
‘Grand Style, Heidegger, Nietzsche: Elaborations of a Concept’, in: Heidegger and Music, eds Casey Rentmeester and Jeff R. Warren, Rowman & Littlefield, 2022, pp. 75–90.
‘Fragment and Flow: On Wolfgang Rihm’s Dionysus Opera’, in: Arts of Incompletion: Fragments in Words and Music, eds Walter Bernhart and Axel Englund, Words and Music Studies, vol. 18, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2021, pp. 242–254.
‘The tune of the magic flute: on atmospheres and history’, in: Music as Atmosphere: Collective Feelings and Affective Sounds, eds Friedlind Riedel and Juha Torvinen, London & New York: Routledge, 2020, pp. 202–217.
”Blicken i den gustavianska spegeln: Svensk musikvetenskap om tiden under Gustav III”, Svensk tidskrift för musikforskning/Swedish Journal of Music Research, vol. 101, 2019, pp. 75–101.
‘Against the Grain: Heidegger and Musical Attunement’, in: Mood: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, New Theories, eds Birgit Breidenbach & Thomas Docherty, London & New York: Routledge, 2019, pp. 202–217.
‘Song as Event: On Intermediality and the Auditory’, in: Power of the In-between: Intermediality as a Tool for Aesthetic Analysis and Critical Reflection, eds Sara Callahan et al., Stockholm: Stockholm University Press, 2018, pp. 349–374.
‘Die dunkle Gegend der Stimmungen: Heidegger und Herder, Aufklärung und Politik’, in: Stimmungen und Vielstimmigkeit der Aufklärung, eds Silvan Moosmüller, Laure Spaltenstein & Boris Previšić, Göttingen: Wallstein, 2017, pp. 336–353.
‘From Mood to Tone: Arnold Schoenberg’s Musical Worlds’, selected from the 17th Nordic Musicological Congress 2015 for Danish Musicology Online, 2016, pp. 123–144.
Emil Sjögen: En vägvisare, Anders Edling & Erik Wallrup (red.), Kungl. Musikaliska Akademiens skriftserie nr 154, Möklinta: Gidlund, 2022.
250: The Royal Academy of Music 1771–2021, trans. Donald MacQueen, Pia Bygdéus, Torbjörn Eriksson & Erik Wallrup (eds), The Royal Academy of Music Publication Series no. 148, Möklinta: Gidlund, 2021.
Blick, rörelse, röst: Festskrift till Cecilia Sjöholm, Rebecka Katz Thor & Erik Wallrup (red.), Södertörn Studies in Art History and Aesthetics no. 5, Huddinge: Södertörns högskola, 2021.
250: Kungl. Musikaliska Akademien 1771–2021, Pia Bygdéus, Torbjörn Eriksson & Erik Wallrup (red.), Kungl. Musikaliska Akademiens skriftserie nr 148, Möklinta: Gidlund 2020.
Notera tiden. 8 essäer om ljudkonst, dans och estetik [Noting time. 8 essays on sound art, dance and aesthetics], Erik Wallrup (ed.) Stockholm: Kungl. Musikaliska akademien, 1996.
The researcher is not participating in any projects at this moment.