Gustaf Onn

Gustaf Onn

Head of Department


Head of the Department och Informatics and Tourism Studies. Research and teaching areas in tourism studies include marketing, visitor attractions, events, entrepreneurship

+46 8 608 49 30 +4686084930

Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies


My teaching in Tourism studies is focusing on visitor attractions and organisation, management and marketing within tourism enterprises. Since 2010, I manage the Tourism studies bachelor degree programme, and between 2009 and 2013 I functioned as director of studies at Tourism Studies.Since 2008 I have been responsible for the bachelor essay course. I have been working at Södertörn university since 2005.

My research is mainly focusing on cultural heritage, organisation, management and strategy, and the role liberal education within academy as well as society as a whole.

2010-2011 I participated in the Leonardo da Vinci Life Long Learning Programme financed EU-project TARSI (Tailor Applied Research System Impementation) together with univserities from Lithuania, Bulgaria, UK and Italy, where the educational community engagement activities of the participating academies were studied and developed. During 2013 I studied leasure activities in nature in the Stockholm area.

Pedagogical issues of higher education are very important in my opinion, and I have therefore taken courses and written a chapter in a book on the subject of essay supervision, published in the series Södertörn studies in higher education 2014.

I have also particpated in the organisation of the research conference Sustainable Tourism Development 2008, 2009 and 2011 arranged by Södertörn univeristy tourism department.

EU-Interreg Central Baltic has in June 2016 decided to fund for the project

Archipelago Partnerships which has since changed name to Archipelago Business Development in order to better reflect the focus of the project.

The aim of the project is to contribute with new knowledge about existing business models in the Finnish and Swedish archipelagoes.

DiVA (Digitala Vetenskapliga Arkivet) is Södertörn University's system for digital publishing and for registering publications produced by researchers, teachers and students.


The researcher is not participating in any projects at this moment.