Hansalbin Sältenberg

Hansalbin Sältenberg

Employed within CCINDLE—a Horizon Europe project—analyzing anti-gender campaigns and feminist responses. See https://ccindle.org

Historical and Contemporary Studies


My name is Hansalbin Sältenberg and I hold a PhD in Gender Studies from Lund University. During the fall of 2022, I defended my doctoral thesis Anti-Jewish racism: exploring the Swedish Racial Regime, in which I analysed the phenomenon of contemporary anti-Jewish racism/antisemitism in Sweden from a critical race-perspective, in relation to constructions of “Swedishness”.

Currently at Södertörn University, I work within the CCINDLE-project (Co-Creating Inclusive Intersectional Democratic Spaces Across Europe), an international research project financed by the European Commission, that analyses anti-gender campaigns as well as feminist social movements’ answers and institutional approaches to those campaigns. For more info, see: https://ccindle.org External link.

At Södertörn University, I have also taught courses within the field of Critical Roma Studies (Kritiska romska studier).

I am member of the research network ”En ny generation antisemitismforskare: Nya perspektiv på genus, sexualitet och judisk identitet i en postsekulär tid” (“A new generation of scholars of antisemitism: Novel approaches to gender, sexuality and Jewish identity in a post-secular conjuncture.”), financed by the Swedish Research Council.

My research interests range from gender/sexuality/trans, critical race studies and antisemitism, class/Marxism, postcolonialism, to psychosocial studies.

I have extensive teaching experience from Lund University, Södertörn University, and Malmö University. I have taught at both ground and advanced level, theoretical and methodological courses, and I have supervised bachelor’s theses. I have experience in teaching in both Swedish and English.

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The researcher is not participating in any projects at this moment.