Henrik Bohlin

Henrik Bohlin


Head of Department

+46 8 608 43 55 +4686084355

Historical and Contemporary Studies


Address: Södertörn University, PD 201
SE-141 89 Huddinge, Sweden
Tel. +46 8 6084355 (office), +46 730740135 (cell phone)
E-mail address:Henrik.Bohlin@sh.se

I have published on a wide range of topics in philosophy and intellectual history, including David Humes philosophy, empathetic understanding, critical thinking, relativism, tacit knowledge, Bildung, education, and skepticism.

I spent the autumn semester of 2010 as a visiting professor at Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY, USA, and the spring semester of 2014 as a visiting lecturer at College of St. Benedict & St. Johns University, St. Joseph and Collegeville, Minnesota, US.

Works in English

- "Effects on the Mind as Objects of Reasoning: A Perspectivist Reading of the Reason-Passion Relation in Humes Sentimentalism", forthcoming in Hume Studies, Vol. 40, No. 1 (full text, login required External link.).

- "Bildung and Intercultural Understanding", Intercultural EducationVol. 24, No. 5, 2013, pp 391-400.

- "Universal moral standards without an Archimedean point: Humes refutation of relativism in A Dialogue", Philosophy Vol. 88, No. 4, pp 593 - 606 (abstract External link.).

- "Simulation Theory", in Anne L. C. Runehov & Lluis Oviedo (eds.) Encyclopedia of Sciences and Religions. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2013, pp 2146-2152.

- "The Problem of Cultural Relativism in Humes A Dialogue", in Tatyana Artemyeva & Mikhail Mikeshin (eds.), David Hume and Northern Europe, St. Petersburg & Helsinki 2012: The Collegium for Advanced Studies at the University of Helsinki & St. Petersburg Center for the History of Ideas, pp 29-45 (full text External link.).

- "Sympathy, Understanding, and Hermeneutics in Humes Treatise", Hume Studies, Vol. 35, No. 1-2, 2009, pp 135-170.

- "Intuitively assessed reasonableness as a criterion of validity in empathetic understanding", SATS. Nordic Journal of Philosophy, 10.1, 2009, pp 107-131 (abstract External link.).

- "Perspective-dependence and Critical Thinking", Argumentation. An International Journal on Reasoning, Volume 23, Issue 2, April 2009, pp 189-203.

- Review of David Hume, A Treatise of Human Nature, eds. David Fate Norton & Mary J. Norton. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2007. SATS. Nordic Journal of Philosophy 9.1, 2008, pp 158-160.

- "Perspective Shift as Critical Inquiry", in Understanding Argumentation. Work in Progress, eds. Frans H. van Eemeren, David Cratis Williams & Igor Z.A. Zagar. Amsterdam: Sic Sat-Rozenberg, 2008, pp 113-125.

- Groundless Knowledge. A Humean Solution to the Problem of Skepticism. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International 1997 (doctoral dissertation) (full text External link.).

Works in Swedish

- Medborgerlig bildning: om varför man studerar på högskola (Bildung for Citizenship: on the purposes of higher education). Lund: Studentlitteratur 2018.

- ”Sanningssökande, maktkritik eller generalistkompetens för arbetsmarknaden? Debatten om humaniora” ("Searching for Truth, Criticising Power, or Developing Generic Skills for the Labour Market? The Swedish Debate on the Humanities"), in Anders Burman & Lena Lennerhed (eds.), Samtider (The Intellectual History of the Present). Gothenburg: Daidalos, 2017.

- "Empati, dialog eller dialogisk empati? Gadamer och inlevelsetanken" ("Empathy, dialogue, or dialogic empathy? Gadamer and the Idea of Understanding through Einfühlung"), in Hans-Georg Gadamer och hermeneutikens aktualitet ("Hans-Georg Gadamer and the Contemporary Relevance of Hermeneutics"), ed. Anders Burman. Stockholm: Axl Books, 2104, pp 137-169.

- "Horisontsammansmältning och paradigmskiften. Gadamers och Kuhns hermeneutiska omtolkningar av vetenskapen" ("Fusion of Horizons and Paradigm Shifts. Gadamers and Kuhns Hermeneutic Re-Interpretations of Science"), in Tillsammans. Politik, filosofi och estetik på 1960- och 1970-talen ("All Together. Politics, Philosophy, and Aesthetics in the 1960s and 1970s"), eds. Anders Burman & Lena Lennerhed. Stockholm: Atlas, 2014, pp 133-166.

- "Bildning, dialog och kritisk självreflektion" ("Bildung, Dialogue, and Critical Self-Reflection"), in Att växa som människa. Om bildningens traditioner och praktiker (To Grow as a Person. On the Traditions and Practices of Bildung), ed. Anders Burman, Södertörn Studies in Higher Education 5. Huddinge: Södertörn University, 2014, pp 118-131.

- "Inledning: den mångsidiga empatin" ("Introduction:The Many Aspects of Empathy"), in Henrik Bohlin & Jakob Eklund (eds.), Empati. Teoretiska och praktiska perspektiv ("Empathy: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives"). Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2013, pp 13-29.

- "Sympati och empati i David Humes teori om människans natur" ("Sympathy and Empathy in David Humes Theory of Human Nature"), in Henrik Bohlin & Jakob Eklund (eds.), Empati. Teoretiska och praktiska perspektiv ("Empathy: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives"). Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2013, pp 33-50.

- "Empati i vetenskapsteori och medvetandefilosofi" ("Empathy in Theory of Science and Philosophy of Mind"), in Henrik Bohlin & Jakob Eklund (eds.), Empati. Teoretiska och praktiska perspektiv ("Empathy: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives"). Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2013, pp 85-107.

- "Empati, dialog eller dialogisk empati? Gadamer och inlevelsetanken" ("Empathy, dialogue, or dialogic empathy? Gadamer and the idea of understanding through Einfühlung"), book chapter, forthcoming in anthology on Gadamer, ed. Anders Burman.

- "En universell moral på känslornas grund. Humes argument mot polygami och kulturrelativism" ("Universal Morals Based on Feelings. Hume on Polygamy and Cultural Relativism"), Filosofisk tidskrift (Swedish Journal of Philosophy) no. 3, 2013, pp 29-47

- "Sympati, tolkning och inlevelse; Hume som hermeneutiker" ("Sympathy, Understanding, and Empathy. Hume as a Hermeneutic Philosopher"), in Robert Callergård (ed.), Förnuft, känsla och moral. Perspektiv på David Hume ("Reason, Sentiment, and Morality. Perspectives on David Hume"). Stockholm: Thales, 2011, pp 36-64.

- "Kan liberal education fungera i Sverige?" ("Can Liberal Education Work in Sweden?"), in Anders Burman & Patrik Mehrens (eds.), Det goda lärandet. En antologi om liberal arts education. Lund: Studentlitteratur 2011, pp 81-97.

- "Bildning i massutbildningens tid" ("Bildung in a Time of Mass Education"), in Anders Burman (ed.), Våga veta Om bildningens möjligheter i massutbildningens tidevarv ("Dare to Know. On the Prospects of Bildung in the Era of Mass Education"), Södertörn Studies in Higher Education 2. Huddinge: Södertörns högskola, 2011, pp 75-96.

- "Vad är medborgerlig bildning?" ("What is Civic Bildung?"), in Peter Strandbrink, Beatriz Lindqvist & Håkan Forsberg (eds.), Tvära möten. Om utbildning och kritiskt lärande ("Abrupt Encounters. On Education and Critical Learning"), Södertörn Studies in Education 1. Huddinge: Södertörns högskola, 2011, pp 19-34.

- "Måttstockarnas mångfald och dialogens möjlighet. Om relativism", ("The Multitude of Measuring Rods and the Possibility of Dialogue. On Relativism"), in Anders Burman & Lena Lennerhed (eds.), Sekelslut. Idéhistoriska perspektiv på 1980- och 1990-talen ("Turn of the Century. Perspectives on the Intellectual History of the 1980s and 1990s"). Stockholm: Atlas Akademi, 2011, pp 258-277.

- "David Hume och kulturrelativismen" ("David Hume and Cultural Relativism"), Humanisten. Tidskrift för kultur- och livsåskådningsfrågor, vol. 15, no. 3 2009, pp 18-21.

- "Mångkulturalitet och kulturmöten i högskoleutbildning - möjligheter och svårigheter" ("Multiculturalism and Cultural Encounters in Higher Education-Opportunities and Challenges"), Utbildning & demokrati no. 3 2009, pp 91-109.

- "Bildning - en väg till global medkänsla" ("The State of Bildung in Higher Education"), newspaper chronicle, Svenska Dagbladet 5 March 2010.

- "Går det att hyfsa relativismdebatten?" ("Can the Relativism Debate be Set straight?"), Tidskrift för politisk filosofi (Swedish Journal of Political Philosophy, no 3 2009, pp 7-25.

- "Om att säga ba. Davidsons analys av indirekt anföring" ("On Saying He Goes. Davidsons Analysis of Indirect Quotation"), Filosofisk tidskrift (Swedish Journal of Philosophy, Stockholm), nr 3 2009, pp 31-43.

- "Relativismens dilemma är absolut inte löst" ("The Dilemma of Relativism is Yet Unsolved"), newspaper chronicle, Svenska Dagbladet, Stockholm, 31 August 2009.

- "Tyst kunskap - ett mångtydigt begrepp" ("Tacit Knowledge: an Ambiguous Concept"), in Vad är praktisk kunskap? (What is Practical Knowledge?), eds. Fredrik Svenaeus & Jonna Bornemark. Huddinge (Stockholm): Södertörn University, Södertörn Studies in Practical Knowledge 1, 2009, pp 55-84.

Papers presented at international conferences

- "Reason, Passion, and Perspectivism in Humes Moral Theory", 40th International Hume Conference, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 21-28 July 2013.

- "Criticism, Sympathy, and Empathy: David Hume on the Possibility of Cross-Cultural Dialogue", Fourth International Conference on Argumentation, Rhetoric, Debate and the Pedagogy of Empowerment, Doha, Qatar, 11-13 January 2013.

- "Universal moral standards and the problem of cultural relativism in Humes A Dialogue", International Hume Conference, University of Calgary, Canada, 18-22 July 2012.

- "Universal moral standards and the problem of cultural relativism in Humes A Dialogue", David Hume and Northern Europe. International Symposium to the Tercentenary of His Birth, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, Helsinki, 3-4 October 2011.

- "Bildung and Intercultural Understanding", Formation, Reformation and Transformation: The Concept of Bildung in the Contemporary University, School of Education, Trinity College, Dublin, 9-10 June 2011.

- "The Dynamics of Belief Systems: A Wittgensteinian view". OSSA (Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation) conference on Argument Cultures, University of Windsor, Windsor, Canada, 3-6 June 2009.

- "David Humes Hermeneutics - Is There One?". ECAP 6: Sixth European Congress of Analytic Philosophy, Krakow, 21-26 August 2008.

- "Intercultural Understanding and Bildung as Goals of Higher Education". Oxford Round Table: Educational Leadership and Policy Development. An interdisciplinary perspective, St. Annes college, Oxford, England, 6-11 July 2008.

- "Perspectives in Critical Thinking". Second International Conference on Argumentation, Rhetoric, Debate and the Pedagogy of Empowerment, Thinking and Speaking a Better World, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 11-13 April 2008.

Doctoral dissertation

- Groundless Knowledge. A Humean Solution to the Problem of Skepticism. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International 1997.

Research grants

- Funding for 2013 within "Understanding Agency", research programme funded by the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation, project leader Pauliina Remes, Uppsala University.

- "Critical Thinking for a Pluralistic University", with Nils Ekedahl et al., research project 2008-2010, funding by the Swedish Research Councils Committee for Educational Science.

- "Perspective Dependence and Contrastivity in Empathy-Based Explanation of Action", research project 2008-2010, funding by the Swedish Research Councils Committee for the Humanities and Social Sciences.

Academic positions

- American-Scandinavian Foundation Swedish Visiting Lecturer, College of St. Benedict & St. Johns University, St. Joseph and Collegeville, Minnesota, USA, Spring semester 2014, funded by American-Scandinavian Foundation, New York, NY.

- STINT Fellow, visiting lecturer, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY, USA, Fall semester 2010, funded by the "Excellence in Teaching" scholarship of The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education (STINT).

- Member of the Faculty Board, Södertörn University, since 2011.

- Chair of the Faculty committee for teacher education and educational research, Södertörn University, 2011-2013.

- Vice dean for teacher education and educational research, Södertörn University, 2010.

- Subject co-ordinator, history of ideas, Södertörn University, 2007-2009.

- Regular position as lecturer/assistant professor (lektor) in history of ideas and philosophy of science, Södertörn University, from 2001.

- Short-term contract post as lecture/assistant professor, Södertörn University, part-time (40%, 75%) 1998-1999, full-time 1999-2001.

- Student guidance officer, Department of Philosophy, Stockholm university, part-time (25%) 1998.

- Teacher employed on an hourly basis at Stockholm university, Karolinska Institute and Södertörn University 1997-1998.

- Doctoral studentship, Stockholm University, 1993-1997.


- Dr. Phil., theoretical philosophy, Stockholm University, 1997.

- BA, Stockholm University, 1987 (theoretical philosophy, practical philosophy, intellectual history and history).


- Courses in philosophy of science, David Humes philosophy, intellectual history, methodology of the social sciences at Södertörn University, Stockholm University, and Karolinska Institutet from 1989.

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The researcher is not participating in any projects at this moment.