Irina Sandomirskaja

Irina Sandomirskaja


Professor of cultural studies, CBEES

+46 8 608 44 57 +4686084457

Culture and Education


Cultural studies, critical theory; Russian 20th century language, literature, theory, and film


(with Natalia Kozlova) Ia tak tak khochu nazvatʹ kino : "Naivnoe pisʹmo" : opyt lingvo-sotsiologicheskogo chtenia. Moskva: Russkoe fenomenologicheskoe obshchestvo: Gnozis , 1996

Kniga o rodine: opyt analiza diskursivnykh praktik .Wien: Wiener slawistischer Almanach. Sonderband 50, 2001

(with Ulla Biegegård, eds) In search of an order: mutual representations in Sweden and Russia during the early age of reason. Södertörn University, 2004

Blokada v slove: Ocerki kriticeskoj teorii i biopolitiki jazyka. Moskva: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, 2013

Past Discontinuous: fragmenty restvratsii. Moskva: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, 2022.

Anthology chapters, artices, and other writing, see Publications

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The researcher is not participating in any projects at this moment.