Jonna Bornemark
Jonna Bornemark is professor in philosophy and works at The Center for Studies in Practical Knowledge. Her latest book is Det omätbaras renässans: en uppgörelse med pedanternas världsherravälde (Volante, 2018). She is the editor of 13 anthologies, most recent is Horsecultures in Transformation: The Ethical Question (Routledge 2019). She is also a frequent guest at several Swedish radio shows and writes in Swedish daily press.
Jonna is active in several research-projects within the theory of practical knowledge, phenomenology, HAS and philosophy of religion. Within these projects she discusses the limits of calculation, skills of judgement, subjectivity and the concept of Bildung. But also the relation between humans and animals, pregnancy and embodiment. Some central characters are Mechthild von Magdeburg, Nicolas of Cusa, Giordano Bruno, Edmund Husserl, Max Scheler and Edith Stein.
She is currently writing a book on philosophical experiences in pregnancy and giving birth.
The researcher is not participating in any projects at this moment.