Marie Hållander
Senior Lecturer
I work as a senior lecturer in education at Södertörn University.
My latest book is The Pedagogical Possibilities of Witnessing and Testimonies – Through the Lens of Agamben (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020). This book is a reworked version of my PhD thesis Det omöjliga vittnandet: om vittnesmålets pedagogiska möjligheter (Eskaton 2017), which was written within the graduate school Philosophical Studies of Pedagogical Relations at Stockholm University. In my research, I have also investigated and written about phenomena such as the common good, public schools, escapism, profanation, television series, emotions, shame, suffering, narrative and subjectivity within the framework of education, teaching, society and schools. My research has been published as essays and articles in both Swedish and international publishers. See my list of publications External link, opens in new window..
I am currently writing a book as part of the research project "The Children of Textiles" with a focus on children's education, bildung, work and school in textile worker’s history in Sweden.
I am member of different international research organizations, such as the EERA (European Educational Research Association); and the INPE (International Network of Philosophers of Education). I am co-convener for Network 13, Philosophy of Education at the EERA.
I am also active as a literary writer, see here External link, opens in new window. for my literary work.
The researcher is not participating in any projects at this moment.