Ramona Dima

Ramona Dima

Associate Senior Lecturer

I am a researcher in queer and gender studies with focus on Southeastern Europe. Publications and research interests include queer culture, sexuality and migration, LGBT+ activism.

+46 8 608 54 17 +4686085417

Culture and Education


I have a PhD in Media and culture from the University of Bucharest, with a research project on Romanian queer culture of the 20th and 21st centuries. Since then, I have led the Marie Skłodowska-Curie project External link, opens in new window."Queer Herstories of struggle and survival in Romania: From Communist criminalization to contemporary anti-gender movements in SEE spaces" (2021-2023), which deals with the memory of queer women* and their experiences during communism and the transition period in Romania.

Since 2017, I am the initiator and co-organizer of the QueerFemSEE. External link, opens in new window. international conference, with a first edition taking place in Bucharest. QueerFemSEE is the first and only queer and gender studies conference focused on SEE. From 2018, I am involved in the Malmö-based artist group UNICORN - Artists in Solidarity, which works with art residencies, educational projects and issues around equality, solidarity, and freedom of expression.

In my ongoing research project, I investigate how the concept of respectability is handled within LGBT+ grassroots groups, in relation to LGBT+ NGOs and to current developments in the anti-gender movement in Southeast Europe and Scandinavia.

Currently, I teach the following courses: Feministiskt förändringsarbete, Kunskap, makt och metoder, Family as a gendering institution, and Feministisk teoriutveckling.




Dima, R. (2023). Queer culture in Romania, 1920 – 2018. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

Dima, R. (2022). Cultura queer în România: fragmente de reprezentări ale identităţilor queer în spaţiul românesc (1920-2018). Bucharest: Hecate Publishing House.

Dima, Ramona. (2021). On Othering Migrants and Queers: Political Communication Strategies of Othering in Romania and the Republic of Moldova. Malmö University. MA dissertation.

Dumitriu, S., Dima, R. (2016). Bahlui Arcadia & other stories // & alte povestiri. Iași: Tranzit.ro.


Chapters & Articles


Dima, R. (2024). Hysterical lesbians and respectable gays. Lesbian anonymity in mainstream LGBT+ and grassroots activisms. Journal of Lesbian Studies, 1–20.

Dima, R. (2024). The unspeakable queerness in Romania’s communist period: Lesbian and queer accounts beyond gay men’s experiences. Sexualities, 0(0).

Dima, R., Dumitriu, S. (2023). “Home is where the cat is. The here-there of queer (un)belonging”. In: Liianson, M., and Engebretsen, E. L. (eds.) Transforming Identities in Contemporary Europe: Critical Essays on Knowledge, Inequality and Belonging. Routledge.

Dima, R., Dumitriu, S. (2021). A Note from the Guest Editors. Feminist Critique: East European Journal of Feminist and Queer Studies (4): 7–10.

Dima, R. (2020). “Cum e cu literatura queer autohtonă și de ce nu se (prea) vorbește despre ea?” In: Anemtoaicei, O, and Iancu, V., QUEER. Gândire critică, conștiință politică și practici culturale în România. Bucharest: Hecate Publishing House.

Dima, R. (2019). “Trends of Homophobic Activism in Romania, or ‘How to Turn Religious Convictions into a Referendum and Still Fail”. In: Buyantueva R., Shevtsova M. (eds) LGBTQ+ Activism in Central and Eastern Europe. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

Dima, R. (2018). Queer Romanian Literature: A selection of Gay and Lesbian Characters from the Twentieth Century to Present. lambda nordica, (1-2): 139–164.

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The researcher is not participating in any projects at this moment.