Sofia Johansson
Associate Professor
Senior Lecturer
Sofia Johansson is Associate Professor in Media and Communication Studies at Södertörn University (Södertörns högskola). She has worked at Södertörn since 2006 and teaches on a number of courses at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. She is Programme Coordinator for the Bachelors degree programme "Medievetarprogrammet" (BA Media Studies Programme).
Sofia received her PhD from the University of Westminster in the UK in 2006, for a thesis examining reading practices around tabloid newspapers. Her research covers various forms of popular culture and media use in everyday life, with her latest work focusing on music streaming, celebrity culture and news consumption among young people. She is currently leading a research project titled "What is news? News perceptions and practices among young people in times of transition".
Recent publications include two co-authored books: Media landscapes and media cultures: An introduction to Media and Communication Studies (2016, Liber - in Swedish) and Streaming Music: Practices, Media, Cultures (2017, Routledge), as well contributions to a range of research journals and anthologies, including Making Media: Production, Practices and Professions (2019, eds. Deuze & Prenger, Amsterdam University Press), Idea Traditions in Media Studies (2020, eds. Bengtsson, Ericsson & Stiernstedt, Studentlitteratur - in Swedish) and Oxford Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies (2020, ed. Örnebring, Oxford University Press).