Stina Bäckström
Associate Professor
Senior Lecturer
Philosophy of action and language, philosophy of humor, emotions and rationality, virtue ethics, Wittgenstein, Anscombe, McDowell, Cavell
Culture and Education
I am Associate Professor of Philosophy and Senior Lecturer at the Centre for studies in practical knowledge at Södertörn University. My PhD (2013) is in philosophy from the University of Chicago. My research is on the philosophy of action and mind, and, more recently, virtue ethics. I have written on topics such as expression, self-consciousness, skill, the human/animal divide, and humor. My work often takes its point of departure in thinkers such as Aristotle, Elizabeth Anscombe, Stanley Cavell, John McDowell, and Ludwig Wittgenstein.
A book of essays on humor was published in Swedish in 2024: Om humor. Essäer om dom som är roliga och det som är kul. External link, opens in new window.
In 2024-2025 I have a Humboldt Research Fellowship at the Institut für Philosophie External link, opens in new window. at Leipzig University. My focus in that research is on virtue ethical perspectives on habit and habituation.
In 2025 I will also (together with Eva Schwarz) start the research project The cultivation of force – An investigation into emotional practices of teaching the use of force in Swedish and German police education, funded by the Baltic Sea Foundation.
In the media (in Swedish):
Text/sound essay: Is it OK to joke about everything? External link, opens in new window.
Filosofiska podden: On the wet riddle of humor External link, opens in new window.
Interview in SITE-zones External link, opens in new window.
Reportage in ETC magazine External link, opens in new window.
Filosofiska rummet: On humor and the interpersonal External link, opens in new window.
Podden Hoppet: On laughter External link, opens in new window.
Filosofiska rummet: On the value of doing philosophy External link, opens in new window.
Filosofiska rummet: On breaks, passivity and procrastination External link, opens in new window.
Interview in Dagens Nyheter on breaks and passivity External link, opens in new window.
Selected Recent Publications:
“Must Expression be Instrumental?”, Organon F, 28 (2): 282–302, 2021. External link.
“Vitsen med humor är att påminna om att människan är en tröskelvarelse”, recension av Ola Sigurdson’s Gudomliga komedier, Respons, 4, 2021.
”Att upprätta mänsklighet i närvaron av våld”, in (ed.) J. Hjertström Lappalainen, Aspiranten och erfarenheten: Polisers praktiska kunskap, Södertörn studies in practical knowledge 11, 2021, Huddinge: Södertörns högskola.
“Vårt behov av ambivalens: Om språk och omdöme i bibliotekens arbete med digitalisering”, i Bankdosor, skam och sms-poesi, red. S. Bäckström, Stockholm: Kungliga biblioteket, 2020: 75-88.
“Spontaneous Expression and Intentional Action”, Inquiry, 2020. External link, opens in new window.
"A Dogma of Speech Act Theory", Inquiry, 2020 External link, opens in new window.
“’Modes of a Complicated Form of Life’: Expression and Human-Animal Continuity”. In Wittgenstein and Naturalism, eds. Cahill and Raleigh, Routledge 2018.
The researcher is not participating in any projects at this moment.