Teresa Kulawik
Programme Coordinator
Comparative gender studies; public knowledge regimes and policy making, body/bio-politics, citizenship, borderlands of post/decolonial and postsocialist scholarship.
Culture and Education
Teresa Kulawik is professor of Gender Studies at Södertörn University with a PhD in political science from the Free University Berlin/Germany. She was research leader and cofounder of the Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES) between 2006 and 2011. She was a visiting professor at the Humboldt University in Berlin, Warszawa University, Potsdam University, Technical University of Berlin and visiting scholar at Columbia University. She is a specialist in comparative gender studies and published extensively on welfare state formation in Sweden and Germany. For some time she also investigates Poland and the former Second World.
Her current research examines the intersections between public knowledge regimes, expertise and policy making, body/bio politics as well as feminism and citizenship from a longterm perspective. She works at the intersections of political and cultural studies and science and technology studies. More recently she explores the borderlands between post/decolonial and postsocialist scholarship.
She received research grants from the Volks-Wagen Foundation, the Swedish Research Council, the Baltic Sea Foundation, and the Swedish Institute. She was principal researcher within the EU Integrated Project, FEMCIT: The Construction of Female Citizenship: The impact of the new women’s movements on contemporary gendered citizenship. She was awarded a sabbatical grant from Riksbankens Jubileums Fond.
Recent publications include:
Bodily Citizenship in the Age of Biosciences : a Historical and Comparative Perspective, in Revue Nordique, 2014, 28, 103-124.
”Auf Leben und Tod: Politische Epistemologie und Körperpolitik im Grenzland Europas”, in: Bargetz, Brigitte/Kreisky, Eva/Ludwig, Gundula (ed.), Dauerkämpfe. Feministische Zeitdiagnosen und Strategien. Frankfurt am Main: Campus, 2017, 111-121.
Co-edited with Zhanna Kravchenko, Borderlands in European Gender Studies: Theorizing The East-West Frontier, London: Routledge (Advances in Feminist Studies & Intersectionality), 2020 and articles in that volume ”Introduction: European Borderlands and Topographies of Transnational Feminism”, pp. 1-38, “Theorizing Frontiers: Postcolonial # European Borderlands”, pp. 79-109.
Co-edited with Rosalind Cavaghan „Experts, Idiots and Liars: The Gender Politics of Knowledge and Expertise in Turbulent Times“, special issue of Social Politics. International Studies in Gender, State and Society, Oxford University Press. 2020, Vol. 27, nr 4, and “Political Epistemology in Gender Policy-Making: The German Democratization of Expertise” in Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society, 2020, Vol. 27, 4, pp. 765-789