Tommy Larsson Segerlind

Tommy Larsson Segerlind

Associate Professor

Programme Coordinator

Senior Lecturer

I am associate professor in Business Administration and program director for the bachelor program Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Markets. I am appointed as Excellent teacher.

+46 8 608 44 70 +4686084470

Social Sciences


I am associate professor in business administration at the Department of Business Studies at the School of Social Sciences at Södertörn University. I am also the program coordinator for the bachelor's program Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Marketing.

My research is mainly in entrepreneurship and innovation. One focus has been on venture teams. One example of that is my thesis, Team Entrepreneurship - A Process Analysis of the Venture Team and the Venture Team Roles in relation to the Innovation Process. In the thesis, I explore how companies with several founders (venture teams) are formed, developed and finally dissolved in relation to what happens in the innovation process in the company. Previous and later publications have also been in corporate history, for example with the book Tetra - the story of the Rausing dynasty (1998, revised 2021, together with Peter Andersson). My research has often a processual view on for example the role of the diversity in the founding teams and how different types of founder constellations affect how innovation processes and entrepreneurship develop over time. In particular, I am interested in how the degree of trust and confidence as well as power relations in the founding team affects their ability to handle uncertainty, risks and ambiguity in the start-up phase and in the innovation process.

The role of the brands in innovation processes in new companies is also part of my research interest and publications.

What distinguishes my research in entrepreneurship is the collective aspects surrounding the role of leadership, and its relationships with internal and external stakeholders, in innovation processes. At the same time, dynamic changes are studied over longer periods of time in a number of different contexts, industries and sectors. Thus, questions about the role of context in studies of entrepreneurial processes have become more in focus.

At the moment, the focus is on everyday entrepreneurship, habitability and sustainability within small island communities in Sweden, and in other countries with inhabited smaller islands. The ambition is to strengthen Swedish island and archipelago research from a social science perspective. This is done, among other things, within the network SNIR (Swedish Network for Island Research)

I also have extensive experience working with collaborative research, where the most recent assignments have been to collaborate with the interest organizations of the archipelagos and islands around the specific challenges and problems of the archipelago entrepreneurs as well as their role in developing sustainable island communities.

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The researcher is not participating in any projects at this moment.

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Postal address
141 89 Huddinge

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