Ylva Waldemarson

Ylva Waldemarson


Academic Leader

+46 8 608 47 45 +4686084745

Historical and Contemporary Studies


I am a historian and have been involved in various research- and education projects at Södertörns University since 2000. In the main my research concern modern political history analyzed through a gender perspective. My research concerns the following fields:

Labour-market politics.The Swedish union movement, both blue-collar and white-collar organisations. The local state. Foremost the local governments in their roles as employers and their relations to different groups of employees in the public sector.Gender equality politics.Oral history, especially elite oral history

At present I participate in two research projects:

The project Mourning Becomes Electra concerns gender equality politics in a Baltic Sea perspective. The project embraces gender equality politics in Sweden, Northwest Russia, Lithuania and The Nordic Council.

The project The Idea of the Local Government as an Ideal Employer analyzes the positions and standpoints of local public employers from 1862 until today.

Selection of publications:

"Såsom ringar på vattnet". (As Circles on the Water) Maktutredningen: Rapport 35. Stockholm 1990.

"Kontrakt under förhandling" i Kontrakt i kris ( "Contract During Negotiation", in Contract in Crisis) (eds.) Hirdman Y & Åström G. Stockholm 1992.

Får en bofink se ut hur som helst. Den svenska arbetarrörelsens syn på kvinnor och lönearbete" ( "Could a Chaffinch be Pictured in Just Any Way? The attitude to female wage earners in the Swedish Labour Movement"), Arbetarhistoria 1-2/1992.

"Med sikte på staten" i Arbete Genus Fackförening. ("Focusing the State", in Work, Gender and Union) (ed) Simonsson B & Törnqvist A. Göteborg 1993.

"Kön, klass och statens finanser – en historia om statligt arbetsgivarskap och statsanställda kvinnor 1870-1925" i I statens tjänst. ("Gender, Class and State Finances 1870-1925", in In the Service of the State. (eds.) Kvarnström, Waldemarson & Åmark. Lund 1996.

"LOs Kvinnoråd – en paradoxal historia om framsteg och motgång", ("The Women's Council of the Swedish Trade Union Confederation - a Paradoxical History of Success and Setbacks") in Arbetarhistoria 1-2/1998.

Mjukt till formen hårt till innehållet. LOs kvinnoråd 1947-1967. (Soft Form, Hard Contents. The Women's Council of the the Swedish Trade Union Confederation 1947-1967) Stockholm 1998.

"Att synliggöra det osynliggjorda – några tankar kring makt och maktlöshet" i Makt och moral. ("To Make the Unvisible Visibel. A Refextion over Power and the Loss of Power", in Power and Moral) Linköping 1998.

"Att föra kvinnors talan" i ("Kvinnor mot kvinnor. Om systerskapets svårigheter" ("Representing Women", in The Difficulties of Sisterhood) (ed) Florin C, Sommestad L & Wikander U. Stockholm 1999.

Kvinnor och klass - en paradoxal skapelseberättelse. LOs kvinnoråd och benämnandets makt 1898-1967. (Women and Class – a Paradoxical Creation Story. The Women's Council of the Swedish Trade Union Confederation and the Power to Designate 1898-1967) Stockholm. 2000

"Att styra en stad. Stockholms kommunalpolitik 1862-2000" i Staden på vattnet. ("To Rule a City. The Municipal Politics of Stockholm 1862- 2000", in The Town on the Water) (ed. Nilsson L ) Stockholm, 2002.

"Manlighet – en specifik form av kunskap" i Erfarenhetens rum och vägar, ("Masculinity – a Specific Form of Knowledge", in The Room and Ways of Experience). (ed) Erson E & Öberg L Botkyrka 2003.

Makten i Stadshuset - forskningsöversikt och probleminventering, ( Power in the Town Council of Stockholm) Stockholmia Förlag/Kommittén för stockholmsforskning, Stockholm 2006.

"Politiska makthavare som historisk källa". (Politicians as a source to History) in Arkiv, samhälle och forskning, 2007:2.

"Rättvisan, produktiviteten och den ekonomiska rationaliteten – Svenska Kommunalarbetarförbundet inför ett vägval?" i Den självstyrande medborgaren. Ny historia om rättvisa, demokrati och välfärd, ( "Justice, Productivity and Economic Rationality- the Swedish Municipal Workers' Union at a Fork", in The Self-Governing Citizen. New History about Justice, Democracy and Welfare) (ed.) Florin, Elgán & Hagemann. Stockholm 2007.

"Den redigerade källan", ("The Edited Source") in Arbetarhistoria 2008:12.

"Staden, kvinnorna och politiken" i Makten i Stadshuset – Stockolms lokalpolitik under 1900-talet, ("Town, Women and Politics" in Power in Town Council. The Local government of Stockholm during the 20th century, Stockholm 2008.

"En erfarenhet rikare" i Vad är praktisk kunskap. ("One Experience Richer?" in What is Practical Knowledge) (ed.) Bornemark & Svenaeus, Södertörns högskola 2009.

Mellan individ och kollektiv – Kommunal 1960-2010, (Between Individual and Collective - the Swedish Municipal Workers' Union 1960- 2010) Stockholm 2010.

"Same, same but different." Norges Landsorganisation sedd med svenska ögon", i Et forskerblickk på LOs historieverk, ("Same, same but different. A Swedish Perspective on The Norwegian Federation of Trade Unions", in Research Contemplate the New History about The Norwegian Federation of Trade Unions), Oslo 2011.

"Jämställt företagande 1990-2010" (tillsammans med Eva Blomberg & Martin Wottle) i Kvinnors företagande - mål eller medel? ("Equal Entrepeneurship 1990-2010", together with Eva Blomberg & Martin Wottle, in Female Entrepeneurs – Ends or Means?) (ed) Blomberg, Hedlund & Wottle. Stockholm 2011.

DiVA (Digitala Vetenskapliga Arkivet) is Södertörn University's system for digital publishing and for registering publications produced by researchers, teachers and students.


The researcher is not participating in any projects at this moment.