Anne Kaun
I am professor in media and communication studies. My research interests include media activism, media practices, algorithms, automation and artificial intelligence
Culture and Education
My research interests include media theory, mediated temporalities, algorithmic culture, automation and artificial intelligence from a humanistic social science perspective.
In earlier projects, I have investigated media practices of protest movements such as the Occupy Wall Street movement, Occupy Stockholm and Occupy Latvia. I am particularly interested in how media technologies changed practices and tactics of the movements over time.
Besides my interest in political mobilization I have been engaging with the notion of media memories and their changing nature in the context of social media such as Facebook. Is the way we remember changing fundamentally since we are doing it online, in connection with others and in public? And what are commercial platforms offering and suppressing when it comes media memories?
I hold a Magister degree in Media and Communication Studies from the University of Leipzig as well as a degree in European Studies from the Technical University of Kaliningrad. In June 2012 I received a PhD from University of Örebro in cooperation with Södertörn University (title: Civic Experiences and Public Connection. Media and Young People in Estonia), Committee: Peter Lunt (Chair), Andre Jansson, Cecilia von Feilitzen, Annett Hill. My supervisors were Staffan Ericson (Södertörn University) and Mats Ekström (University of Gothenburg). In 2010 I was an associate research student at Goldsmiths College, University of London (supervised by Nick Couldry).
In 2013-2015 I was a visiting post-doc at the Center for Global Communication Studies at the Annenberg School for Communication (University of Pennsylvania). My post-doc project concerned historical forms of media participation that emerged in the context of moments of crisis. Currently, I am working in a collaborative project on Narratives of Europe.
In November 2014 I was elected as the Vice-Chair of the Communication and Democracy Section of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA). Between 2013 and 2015, I have been the Student Board Member of the International Communication Association (ICA). Since summer 2017 I act as the vice-chair of the interest group on Activism, Communication and Social Justice within the ICA.
Medialisering av kultur och vardagslivet – funded by Riksbankens jubilieumsfond
2015 - 2019 Digital Activism in China, Russia and Scandinavia – funded by STINT
2018 - 2021 Memory and Media Research Network – funded by the German Research Council
2020 - 2022 Swedish Network for Automated Decision-Making in the Public Sector funded by Riksbankens jubilieumsfond
Twitter: @anne_kaun
- Digital Vulnerabilities in Automated Welfare: Infrastrukturer, medborgarperspektiv och värderingar
- Automating Welfare – Algorithmic Infrastructures for Human Flourishing in Europe
- The Digital Welfare State
- Digital Activism in China, Scandinavia and USA
- Swedish Network on Automated Decision-Making in the Public Sector
- Automating Welfare in the Baltic Sea Region Consequences of Automated Decision-making for Democratic Values
- Media, trust and information during the Corona crisis
- Teaching Disconnection in the Digital Age