Digital Activism in China, Scandinavia and USA
Project manager
The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education
Project type
The project Digital Activism in China, USA and Scandinavia (DigAct) brings together leading and emerging American, Chinese and Scandinavian scholars of a vivid and striving field at the intersection of media and communication studies, sociology, cultural studies and political science focusing on the role of digital media and its most important predecessors for political mobilization and organization in three regions.
DigAct has two connected aims. Firstly it strives to inquire and discuss major theoretical and methodological approaches within the field from an intercultural, comparative perspective. Secondly it provides a forum for early-career scholars of digital activism to discuss their work with leading researchers in the area.
The work of DigAct revolves around three workshops and an international conference over the course of three years. The workshops and conferences will be organized at each of the partner institutions. The workshops will provide a forum to develop theoretical perspectives on digital activism and for early-career scholars to discuss their work in close exchange with established researchers. Through feedback sessions and assigned discussants the meetings will help to produce high quality journal articles and contributions to the textbook by both early-career scholars and senior researchers.
Social sciences and Humanities
Digital media, activism, social movements, protest movements, social media, social media practices
Research area / geographic area
Culture and Education Media and Communication Studies Critical and Cultural Theory Media Europe Asia North America
Project time
2015 — 2018
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