Hedda Söderlundh
Associate Professor
Senior Lecturer
Associate professor in Swedish linguistics with interest in sociolinguistics and multilingualism. Educational developer with interest in internationalization of higher education.
Culture and Education
I am a linguist and researcher specialized in the Swedish language, with a particular interest in langugae policy and practice in education and professional settings. My research interest is connected to the sociolinguistics of globalization and issues related to multilingualism, where it is emphasized that increased mobility, migration, and socio-economic inequality establish new frameworks for investigations aimed at exploring the relationships between language, individuals, and society. Several of my studies focus on spoken Swedish in environments where other languages are present, and where English serves as a dominant lingua franca. I often combine ethnographic observations with close analyses of interactions.
Research projects
Interactional Patterns in Swedish Police Interviews. 'Doing Objectivity' when Asking Information Seeking Questions and Producing Reformulaitons. Funded by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) from 2022 to 2024. Principal investigator Lina Nyroos.
Working in a Second Language: Working in a second language: Literacy practices and educational models designed for professional contexts. Funded by Forte from 2020 to 2023. Principal investigator Stina Hållsten.
Labour from the Baltic Sea Region: Language, migration and daily working life among labor migrants from Poland and Estonia in Sweden. Principal investigator, with co-researchers: Linda Kahlin (Södertörn), Matylda Weidner (Kazimierz Wielki University, Poland), and Leelo Keevallik (Linköping University). Funded by the The Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies, 2018 to 2021.