Karin Hansson
I am an artist and docent in Computer & Systems Sciences with participatory methodologies and collaborative processes online as research focus.
Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies
The common thread of my research so far has been a critique of the norms and values embedded in the systems and aesthetics of communication design and to develop design that accommodates differences and conflict. In my research practice I combine a critical perspective with applied design research, where the design process can be seen as a method to explore social processes in detail rather than solving a specific problem. With this perspective I am contributing to three different research projects:
- Work a work External link.: An art and research project that explores the ongoing transformation of what is called “work” from a legal, technical, and cultural perspective, both regarding the artifacts of work, and work relations.
- Metadata culture External link.: A research project that investigates and develop methods for obtaining qualified and extensive metadata for images in digitalized cultural heritage collections.
- #metoo activism in Sweden – Development, consequences, strategies: A multidisciplinary study of the development of #metoo activism in Sweden.
Publications: https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=l6DsVH0AAAAJ&hl=en External link.