Norbert Götz
Associate Professor
Norbert Götz holds the chair of contemporary history at Södertörn University. His current research focuses on humanitarianism, moral economy, global civil society, and civil society–state relations. His interests also include populism and nationalism, political culture, peace and international relations, democracy and the welfare state, and conceptual history. The larger Baltic Sea region, including the Nordic countries and Central and Eastern Europe, are special target regions, although his research includes the British Isles, global history, and the UN.
Götz is the Swedish representative in the steering group of the research programme "Reimagining Norden in an Evolving World (ReNEW): An Excellence Hub in Reserach, Educaton and Public Outreach" (funded by NordForsk 2018–2024). He is responsible for working with doctoral researchers and emerging scholars, and is the organiser of the Fifth Nordic Challenges Conference, 1–3 June 2022, in Stockholm.
Götz leads the project "Civil Society without Boundaries: Nordic Humanitarianism Facing the Biafra Crisis" (funded by the Swedish Research Council 2022–2024). His academic engagements include the Swedish Graduate School of History and the Association for Political History.
Norbert Götz has been awarded the Hans Rosenberg Memorial Prize of the Heinrich August and Dörte Winkler Foundation in the Friedrich Ebert Foundation for his dissertation, as well as the 15th Annual Scholarship Award of the Swedish Women’s Educational Association International (SWEA).”
See >ResearchGate< External link. and >academia.edu<
External link. for more detailed information on publications and downloads.
Selected publications:
Monographs and edited volumes:
Humanitarianism in the Modern World: The Moral Economy of Famine Relief. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020 (with Georgina Brewis and Steffen Werther). 355 p. >open access< External link, opens in new window.
Theme issue “Mental Maps: Geographical and Historical Perspectives.” Journal of Cultural Geography 25 (2018) 2: 157–285 (ed. with Janne Holmén). >more info< External link.
Nordiskt samarbete i kalla krigets kölvatten: Vittnesseminarium med Uffe Ellemann-Jensen, Mats Hellström och Pär Stenbäck. Samtidshistoriska frågor 33. Huddinge: Södertörn University, 2016 (ed. with Johan Strang). 104 pp. >open access< External link.
The Political Culture of Nordic Self-Understanding: Power Investigation. London: Routledge, 2016 (ed. with Ainur Elmgren). x + 113 pp. >more info< External link.
Based on the theme issue "Power Investigation: The Political Culture of Nordic Self-Understanding." Journal of Contemporary European Studies 21 (2013) 3: 338–412 (ed. with Ainur Elmgren).
Theme issue “Moral Economy: New Perspectives.” Journal of Global Ethics 11 (2015) 2: 143–256 (ed. with Katarina Friberg).
The Paradox of Openness: Transparency and Participation in Nordic Cultures of Consensus. International Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropology 126. Leiden: Brill, 2015 (ed. with Carl Marklund). xiii + 271 pp. >more info< External link.
The Sea of Identities: A Century of Baltic and East European Experiences with Nationality, Class, and Gender. Södertörn Academic Studies 60. Huddinge: Södertörn University, 2014 (ed.). 325 pp. >open access< External link.
Deliberative Diplomacy: The Nordic Approach to Global Governance and Societal Representation at the United Nations. International Relations Studies Series 11. Dordrecht: Republic of Letters, 2011. xiii + 489 pp. >open access< External link.
Vom alten Norden zum neuen Europa: Politische Kultur im Ostseeraum: Festschrift für Bernd Henningsen. Berlin: Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2010 (ed. with Jan Hecker-Stampehl and Stephan Michael Schröder). 458 pp.
Regional Cooperation and International Organizations: The Nordic Model in Transnational Alignment. Routledge Advances in International Relations and Global Politics 70. London: Routledge, 2009 (ed. with Heidi Haggrén, reprint as paperback 2014). xviii + 290 pp.
Die Ordnung des Raums: Mentale Landkarten in der Ostseeregion. The Baltic Sea Region: Nordic Dimensions - European Perspectives 6. Berlin: Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2006 (ed. with Jörg Hackmann and Jan Hecker-Stampehl). 422 pp.
Civil Society in the Baltic Sea Region. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2003 (ed. with Jörg Hackmann). xiv + 274 pp.
Ungleiche Geschwister: Die Konstruktion von nationalsozialistischer Volksgemeinschaft und schwedischem Volksheim. Die kulturelle Konstruktion von Gemeinschaften im Modernisierungsprozeß 4. Diss. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2001. 598 pp. >open access< External link.
Peer-reviewed articles:
“Humanitäre Hilfe: Eine Braudel’sche Perspektive.” Freiwilligenarbeit und gemeinnützige Organisationen im Wandel: Neue Perspektiven auf das 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Nicole Kramer and Christine G. Krüger (eds). Historische Zeitschrift, Beihefte N.F. 76. Berlin: DeGruyter, 2019. 89–119 (with Georgina Brewis and Steffen Werther). >go to article< External link, opens in new window.
“The Emergence of NGOs as Actors on the World Stage.” Routledge Handbook of NGOs and International Relations. Thomas Davies (ed.). London: Routledge, 2019. 19–31. >go to article< External link, opens in new window.
“Humanitäre Hilfe im Zeitalter Napoleons: Bürgerliche Gesellschaft und transnationale Ressourcen am Beispiel Erfurts.” Historische Zeitschrift 305 (2017): 362–392 (with Frank Palmowski). >open access< External link.
“Spatial Politics and Fuzzy Regionalism: The Case of the Baltic Sea Area.” Baltic Worlds 9 (2016) 3–4: 54–67. >open access< External link.
“From Neutrality to Membership: Sweden and the United Nations, 1941 to 1946.” Contemporary European History 25 (2016) 1: 75–95. >go to article< External link.
"Nordic Cooperation in the Voluntary Sector." Nordic Cooperation: A European Region in Transition. Johan Strang (ed.). London: Routledge, 2016. 49–68 (with Heidi Haggrén and Mary Hilson). >go to article< External link.
Moral Economy: Its Conceptual History and Analytical Prospects." Journal of Global Ethics 11 (2015) 2: 147–162. >open access<
The Good Plumpuddings Belief: British Voluntary Aid to Sweden During the Napoleonic Wars." International History Review 37 (2015) 3: 519–539. >open access<
"The Concept of Openness: Promise and Paradox." The Paradox of Openness: Transparency and Participation in Nordic Cultures of Consensus. Norbert Götz and Carl Marklund (eds). International Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropology 126. Leiden: Brill, 2015. 10–26. >go to article< External link.
"Introduction: Collective Identities in Baltic and East Central Europe." The Sea of Identities: A Century of Baltic and East European Experiences with Nationality, Class, and Gender. Södertörn Academic Studies 60. Huddinge: Södertörn University, 2014. 11–28. >download< External link.
"Rationales of Humanitarianism: The Case of British Relief to Germany, 1805– 1815." Journal of Modern European History 12 (2014) 2: 186–199. >go to article< External link.
"Introspective Performance: The Scandinavian Power Investigation as a Politico-Cultural Practice." Journal of Contemporary European Studies 21 (2013) 3: 341–356.
"The One Per Cent Country: Swedens Internalisation of the Aid Norm." Saints and Sinners: Official Development Aid and its Dynamics in a Historical and Comparative Perspective. Thorsten Borring Olesen, Helge Ø. Pharo, and Kristian Paaskesen (eds). Oslo: Akademika, 2013. 21–49 (with Ann-Marie Ekengren). >go to article< External link.
"Civil Society and NGO: Far from Unproblematic Concepts." The Ashgate Research Companion to Non-State Actors. Bob Reinalda (ed.). Aldershot: Ashgate, 2011. 185–196.
"Matts Mattson Paavola Knows Elihu Burritt: Nineteenth Century Peace Activism and the Nordic Countries in Transnational Perspective." Peace & Change 35 (2010) 2: 191–221.
"The Absent-Minded Founder: Norway and the Establishment of the United Nations." Diplomacy & Statecraft 20 (2009) 4: 619–637.
"Blue-eyed Angels at the League of Nations: The Genevese Construction of Norden." Regional Cooperation and International Organizations: The Nordic Model in Transnational Alignment. Routledge Advances in International Relations and Global Politics 70. Norbert Götz and Heidi Haggrén (eds). London: Routledge, 2009. 25–46.
"Western Europeans and Others: The Making of Europe at the United Nations." Alternatives 33 (2008) 3: 359–381. >go to article< External link.
"Reframing NGOs: The Identity of an International Relations Non-Starter." European Journal of International Relations 14 (2008) 2: 231–258.
"In a Class by Itself: Cold War Politics and Finlands Position vis-à-vis the United Nations, 1945–1956." Journal of Cold War Studies 10 (2008) 2: 73–98. >go to article< External link.
"Facing the Fascist Model: Discourse and the Construction of Labour Services in the USA and Sweden in the 1930s and 1940s." Journal of Contemporary History 41 (2006): 57–73 (together with Kiran Klaus Patel).>go to article< External link.
"On the Origins of Parliamentary Diplomacy: Scandinavian Bloc Politics and Delegation Policy in the League of Nations." Cooperation and Conflict 40 (2005): 263–279.
"German-Speaking People and German Heritage: Nazi Germany and the Problem of Volksgemeinschaft." The Heimat Abroad: The Boundaries of Germanness. Krista ODonnell, Renate Bridenthal, and Nancy Reagin (eds). Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 2005. 58–81.
"Prestige and Lack of Alternative: Denmark and the United Nations in the Making." Scandinavian Journal of History 29 (2004): 73–96.
"Norden: Structures That Do Not Make a Region." European Review of History 10 (2003): 323–341.
"Modernisierungsverlierer oder Gegner der reflexiven Moderne? Rechtsextreme Einstellungen in Berlin." Zeitschrift für Soziologie 26 (1997) 6: 393–413. >go to article< External link.
Articles and podcasts in nordics.info:
- The Nordics and Identity (podcast 2020)
External link.
- Civil society in the Nordics
External link. (2019)
- Corporatism and the Nordic countries
External link. (2019)
- Folkhem
External link. (2019)
- Internationalism and the Nordic countries
External link. (2019)
- Neutrality and the Nordic countries
External link. (2019)
- Parliamentary culture in the Nordic countries
External link. (2019)
- United Nations and the Nordic countries
External link. (2019)