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New procedure for emergency evacuation

Thanks to a new procedure for emergency evacuation, it is now easier to know what to do in an emergency that means Södertörn University has to be evacuated.

“We hope this new evacuation plan will make it easier for university staff and students to understand what they have to do in an emergency,” says Maria Östman, head of security at Södertörn University.

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In the new evacuation procedure, anyone can take the role of evacuation leader. The university has chosen to do this because university staff are generally very mobile, with few people sitting in the same place throughout the day.

“This means it is important for everyone to read the information about the new evacuation plan and for everyone to understand their responsibilities when the alarm sounds,” says Maria Östman.

There will be evacuation stations in work areas at the university. These will have hi-vis vests and an instruction card for the person who is evacuation leader.

*In an emergency, the person who is evacuation leader puts on the hi-vis vest. Then they move through the premises, politely asking anyone left inside to leave through the nearest emergency exit and go to the assembly point.

*The evacuation leader must knock on all closed doors and check the toilets.

*Once the premises have been checked, the evacuation leader goes to the assembly point and tries to work out whether anyone is missing.

*The evacuation leader keeps an eye on the building and contacts the security guard, the crew commander for the fire and rescue services (in a yellow helmet) or the technician from the property owner when they arrive.

* The evacuation leader informs the people at the assembly point when it is safe to re-enter the building – but only after personal notification from the security guard, crew commander for the fire and rescue services or the property owner’s technician.

Everyone who is at Södertörn University during an emergency must take personal responsibility:

  • When the evacuation alarm sounds it is never a drill – start evacuating the premises immediately!
  • Always take the closest route out. Look around and follow the green emergency exit signs.
  • Saves lives where there is immediate danger, but do not expose yourself to any risks. Remember that smoke is toxic – escape by crawling along the floor. Close doors and windows.
  • Alert others. Your colleague may be on the phone or listening to music and not have heard the alarm.
  • Extinguish the fire if you believe you can do so without taking unnecessary risks. Extinguishers are located in convenient places.


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