Moas båge

Problematising perspectives on diversity and interculturalism


Equality and diversity in pedagogical relations

7.5 credits




Are you interested in how pedagogy can influence the ways people can learn to live together, equal but different, in a democratic society? This course focuses on the relationship between individual freedom and the common good, and how this relationship can be understood and figured through pedagogical relations.

Information for exchange students

This course is also open for exchange students. Application information for exchange students.

Want to know why you should study at Södertörn University? Find out here.

Educational skills for working with teaching and development Careers that require educational skills are found in numerous organisations. For example, in preschools, extended school, schools and universities, as well as in educational associations, culture and business, healthcare, the defence forces, national and international environmental and human rights organisations and political organisations at local and global levels.
Practical exercises for dealing with value conflicts This course examines and tests various forms of communication, problematising differing perspectives on diversity and interculturality. Practical exercises are used to highlight the ethical, political and aesthetic aspects of value conflicts. The course also helps you gain a deeper understanding of interviews as a research method, as well the associated considerations of research ethics. It is taught through lectures and seminars and assessed through written assignments, presentations and your participation in the seminars.
Support people and organisations through change and development Studying Education at Södertörn University is the right choice if you are interested in how cultures, knowledge and values can be both preserved and changed through educational activities. This is highly relevant to our contemporary multicultural society. At its core it examines how people of all ages and all walks of life create meaning by studying and changing the world, but also how people can be participatory and influence their own lives and the community. Study Education therefore gives you expertise in analysing, leading and evaluating change processes in a wide range of organisations and activities. At Södertörn University, the subject of Education has been defined in accordance with the its roots in the tradition of humanistic knowledge. This means that we study the long and rich history of education, at the same time as we place historical education insights in relation to current societal issues and challenges. Examples of such issues are what alternative facts, the me-too movement, migration, multiculturality, digitalisation, sustainable development, artificial intelligence and neuroscience mean for how we act and think about the various forms of education in society.

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Alfred Nobels allé 7 Flemingsberg

Postal address
141 89 Huddinge

+46 (0) 8-608 40 00


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