Moas båge

Critical perspectives on the datafied society


Mediatization and Datafication of Society

7.5 credits




The course examines theories that relate to digital and interactive media and the datafied society, using the perspectives of mediatization and datafication. You will focus on the independent and critical assimilation of advanced theories within this research field and learn to contextualise and historicise theoretical perspectives.

Social issues to work with in the future

We have linked our educations to the UN's 17 global goals for sustainable development. These are goals that you can get tools to work with in the future:

Reduced inequalities Reduced inequalities
Responsible consumption and production Responsible consumption and production

Want to know why you should study at Södertörn University? Find out here.

Contextualise and historicise theoretical perspectives on digital interactive media You will gain in-depth understanding of theories within media and communication studies that relate to digital and interactive media, as well as learning to independently and critically discuss related theoretical and methodological issues and the mediatized and datafied society. The course will also help you to develop your capacity for nuanced and critical thinking, reflection, and the contextualisation and historicisation of digital, interactive media using a mediatized and datafied perspective. The course is seminar-based and examined through seminar attendance, essay work and presentations.

Contact us

Alfred Nobels allé 7 Flemingsberg

Postal address
141 89 Huddinge

+46 (0) 8-608 40 00


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