A Sustainable Europe This course provides you with relevant and valuable knowledge of environmental policy in Europe. This opens up for employment in administration, investigation, evaluation, communication or project management in fields that require scientific knowledge and negotiation skills. This could include working with scientifically-grounded sustainability issues at municipal, national, European or EU levels. Read about Research in this subject
A Sustainable Europe The course clearly demonstrates how ecological, social, economic and cultural sustainability interact, and how balance between these areas is necessary if environmental policy is to be successful nationally and internationally. It also illustrates how sustainability does not work if it does not include social and economic justice, equality, education and good universal healthcare. Course design The course is taught through lectures, seminars, study visits, guest lectures, individual work and group projects. The course is part of the foundation year of the European Programme and is offered in period 3 of semester 2. From the spring semester of 2024, the course is taken by both exchange students and programme students. The European Programme usually has 40 students and we can accept a maximum of 20 exchange students on the course. If exchange students have registered for the course it will be held in English. In this case, all teaching will be in English, but the students may choose to submit written assignments and exams in Swedish if they wish. The course may be given in Swedish if no exchange students are participating.
A Sustainable Europe The course introduces and problematises sustainability trends in the EU and Europe using two primary assumptions. First, that sustainability issues relate to policy, society and the environment and, second, that solutions often require international cooperation. This theme is studied on the basis of European investment in questions of national borders and the environment. Disagreement can also characterise EU environmental work, where it is often difficult to translate scientific knowledge about limited resources and environmental degradation into international cooperation. During the course, different actors, including non-governmental organisations, governments, the EU and international corporations are analysed from the perspective of sustainability and international cooperation.