What's included?

Examine and analyse the key events of the last century

This course examines the key events of the 20th century, including the world wars, communist revolutions, European dictatorships and democracies and the rise and fall of the Soviet Union. Through the critical examination of both secondary and primary sources, you will learn to describe key political events and actors and events in 20th century European and Soviet history, using central themes and focusing on the rise and fall of dictatorships and democracies. You will also explain European history against the background of important ideological constructs, including liberalism, socialism, nationalism and fascism, and take different perspectives on the historical interpretations of events in modern European history. The course provides examples of, and explains, major causal relationships and turning points in modern European economic, social and political history, and you will analyse the economic, ideological and social factors underlying these changes, as well as how these factors have themselves been influenced by historical turning-points.

Course design

Teaching is conducted through a combination of lectures and seminars, and may also take place outside the university, e.g. in museums. The course is examined through oral and written seminar assignments, active and well-prepared participation in seminars and exercises, and a written take-home exam.