Moas båge

Management control in an organizational context


Management Control

7.5 credits




This course aims to develop students’ qualitative and quantitative competence and understanding of management in an organizational context. Gaining deeper understanding of management control with respect to its structural and processual dimensions is valuable for fostering a career within business and leadership.

This course is only open for exchange students.

Want to know why you should study at Södertörn University? Find out here.

Skills that are in demand in all sectors Knowledge of Business Studies means you can work as an auditor, with marketing or with financing. You will have developed skills in how businesses can be organised, developed and renewed to survive on a competitive market. Business Studies can be combined with other subjects to broaden your competence. It is possible to work as a business administrator in almost all areas of society. Business Studies is therefore useful in all sectors and industries. After your studies, you can work in business administration for various types of companies and organisations. Business Studies provides skills that are beneficial in leadership positions. You will be able to follow and understand business developments, and be able to understand, explain and act in various organisational contexts. You will also gain innovative perspectives that will be useful in your private and professional life. What are former students doing now? Former students have different roles in multiple areas of business and public administration. Some of them run their own businesses. The ones who work in business administration are often on a career path, working their way up through an organisation. Others work in accounting, finances, budgeting and auditing, or in marketing, sales and purchasing, as well as in projects and review boards. Common workplaces include companies in services, trade and industry, or in banks, insurance companies, public authorities or organisations, or accounting and consulting agencies. Some also work for international companies and organisations. Read about research in this subject
Case-oriented approach to management control Based on the premise that performance and “success” of any organization requires systematic management of resources, the course introduce and problematise management control in an organizational context. Special interest is given to generic management control challenges. Challenges include setting the direction for the business, coming to terms with motivational problems and the handling of personal limitations on behalf of managers and employees. In relation to the generic management control challenges introduced, the course covers various management control means including different forms of accountability mechanisms, planning, target setting, financial and non-financial performance measurement. All in all, the course aims to foster the students’ ability to identify and structure complex management control issues in different types of focus; albeit with a focus on for-profit organizations. Course design Teaching is in the form of lectures and seminars, and all teaching is in English. The course is assessed through active seminar participation and assignments based on different cases. The course is designed as a set of lectures covering key areas in the form of management control challenges and management control concepts and techniques. The lectures are complemented by case assignments which are discussed and elaborated at seminars. The case assignments aim to facilitate independent thought and assessment of the management control challenges, management control concepts and techniques introduced at the lectures. The combination of lectures and seminars is intended to facilitate integration of theory and practice supporting deepened understand. Please note: Teaching takes place on campus until Christmas, digital seminars in the final part of the course.
Understand how organisations are built up, developed and renewed Business Studies is the right subject for you if you want to understand how organisations are built up, developed and renewed. The subject covers four areas: organisation and leadership, marketing, accounting and financing. You will study both private and public organisations. Businesses supply many of the goods and services we consume in our daily lives, so they have a vital role in society. Half of everything produced by Swedish companies is exported abroad, which is important for Sweden’s wealth. In a global economy, Swedish companies face competition from almost the entire world. Business Studies will give you tools to help businesses remain competitive on a global market. Companies are surrounded by a society in constant change. Business Studies covers entrepreneurship and innovation. Resourcefulness is necessary for new companies to be founded and for existing companies to survive. Entrepreneurship and innovation are therefore important areas of Business Studies. You will develop your ability to help companies survive by finding financing and making them profitable.