Moas båge

Storytelling in game design


Narrative design

7.5 credits




Modern games are highly dependent on interactive storytelling, and narrative design examines this storytelling. This course covers how games can be used to tell stories and how to design storytelling in games, introducing design and implementation strategies for game narratives.

This course is only open for exchange students.

Want to know why you should study at Södertörn University? Find out here.

Technical design based on user experience Media Technology covers human interaction with digital media. The subject has varied themes, such as website design and programming, game design and media production with sound and moving pictures. In addition to the focus on the creation and development of digital products and services, there is emphasis on the importance of understanding and reflecting on technology from a human perspective, both when it comes to using technology and digital media and how they affect various groups and society as a whole. The subject is suitable for you if you are interested in modern technology, digital development and design. A few recurring themes are how to create usability, design from an experiential perspective and design from a gender perspective. Other areas are virtual reality, artificial intelligence and smart materials. Media Technology at Södertörn University has a focus on design based on human interaction with technology. Theoretical elements that highlight current and previous research provide you with a broad perspective on the subject. Studying Media Technology gives you the tools to work for societal development in multiple ways. For example, when designing and producing media productions, courses take into account the development of sustainable cities and societies. Its recurring focus on user-friendliness and inclusive design link Media Technology to issues of equality and inclusive societies.
Many career choices in all areas of media technology Digital systems and technology are found in every industry. After studying Media Technology you can work in many different types of workplaces. Former students often work for IT companies, advertising agencies, game developers and municipalities. Examples of professions include web designer, game designer, IT consultant or project manager. You will be able to evaluate and critically examine communication solutions, which is valuable in many fields of work in the media. You will also be able to reflect on your own and others’ designs, and design methods for digital media. Work with digital media is found in almost all professional fields. Your skills and knowledge will therefore be valuable whatever sector you wish to work in. The courses are modern, aware of industry trends and have close links to the labour market. Reflective and practical elements provide you with skills that are in demand on the labour market. Their academic format means that once you have finished studying you can formulate your thoughts in speech and writing, and retrieve and evaluate knowledge. Read about research in this subject
The theory and practice of story-driven games Narrative design examines how the elements such as characters, gameplay and cut-scenes can be used in story-driven games, and how to design game narration. You will learn theories and methods within narrative design, later applying them in game analysis and the development of a small game. This provides the opportunity to reflect on how narrative design affects the overall gaming experience. This course includes a three-week, practical group project in story-driven game development, and a written analysis.