What's included?

Compare and contextualise national and regional development and narratives

The course provides an overview of 20th century history in Scandinavia and the Baltic Sea Region. It starts with the rise of nationalism in the late 1800s, and goes on to discuss WWI and the inter-war independence of the East Baltic nations. The Second World War had very different impacts on these countries, as opposed to Scandinavia, and the Cold War seemed to cement this divide. The fall of the Iron Curtain heralded attempts to create and build a new, coherent region, beginning with the Nordic and pan-Scandinavian movements of the last century. The emphasis is on a comparative study of nation-building, national (and regional) identities, national narratives and memories.

Course design

The course is taught through a combination of lectures and compulsory seminars, and teaching may also take place outside the university, e.g. at a museum. Examination is in the form of active participation, written assignments and a take-home essay.