State of the Region Report

The CBEES State of the Region Report is a series of annual reports from the Centre for Baltic and East European Studies, which report and reflect on social and political developments in the Baltic Sea region and Central and Eastern Europe, including the post-Soviet countries and the Balkans, with a new and topical perspective every year.

The overall purpose of this initiative is to offer a publication that will interest fellow researchers, policymakers, stakeholders, and the general public.

For more information, please contact editor Ninna Mörner.

CBEES State of the Region Report 2024

A World Order in Transformation? A Comparative Study of Consequences of the War and Reactions to these Changes in the Region External link.

The report intends to analyze the ongoing changes from the war at a macro level, and to map out examples of reactions and consequences at the grassroots level. The purpose is to produce a contemporary overview of the challenges the region and the countries are facing, and to present a preliminary analysis of the implications for the region.

Editor: Ninna Mörner 

Editorial Board: Per Bolin, Joakim Ekman, Yulia Gradskova, Tora Lane, Julia Malitska, Irina Sandomirskaja

Order Form for the Publication: CBEES State of the Region Report 2024 External link.

CBEES State of the Region Report 2022/23

Ecological Concerns in Transition: A Comparative Study on Responses to Waste and Environmental Destruction in the Region External link. 

The report consists of essays dealing with overall themes and 15 country reports. Together the individual contributions give a nuanced picture of the environmental threats in the region, the complexity linked to ideas of modernity and political and economic decision-making as well as values and rights claimed by Indigenous people and even nature itself. The current war in Ukraine adds another dimension to ecological concerns and bring new levels of destruction to the region.

Editor: Ninna Mörner

Editorial Board: Florence Fröhlig, Tora Lane and Eglė Rindzevičiūtė


CBEES State of the Region Report 2021

The Many Faces of the Far Right in the Post-Communist Space: A Comparative Study of Far-Right Movements and Identity in the Region External link.

In the individual contributions of this report, the participating researchers depict a nuanced picture of the far right and the relative importance of, for example, the legacy of nationalist dissident movements, exile groups and organizations, and far-right actors’ different notions of empires, civilizations, spheres of identities, powers, and oppositions such as east and west, and north and south; all play a role both in relation to the current political agenda and to the memory or narratives of the past.

In sum, we are witnessing a general turn away from the pro-European liberalism towards a more isolationist or protectionist – not to say xenophobic – nationalism.

Editor: Ninna Mörner

Editorial Board: Mark Bassin, Joakim Ekman, Tora Lane and Per Anders Rudling


CBEES State of the Region Report 2020

Constructions and Instrumentalization of the Past: A Comparative Study on Memory Management in the Region External link.

The report reveals disturbing tendencies to control and politicize the past in several countries in Central and Eastern Europe. Also, the report documents the great extent to which authoritarian and authoritarian-leaning governments actively intervene in how crucial parts of their country’s history are to be written, taught, researched, remembered, and commemorated – or neglected and ignored. Furthermore, the report discusses the failure of some governments to deal with restitution for past injustices, and the way some politicians forbid access to important state archives, hinder the teaching of the history of contemporary events, or withdraw funding to or even close down independent research institutions altogether.

Editor: Ninna Mörner

Editorial Board: Joakim Ekman, Florence Fröhlig, David Gaunt, Tora Lane, Per Anders Rudling, Irina Sandomirskaja

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